This says it ‘all’
The Codex Alimentarius Commission, established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO, develops harmonized international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair trade practices in the food trade. It also promotes coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
Addendum: This says even more
Control the food and you control the people.
Save Our Supplements [S.O.S.]
More than 80% of Canadians consume natural health products (NHPs)
Health Canada increased enforcement authority over natural health products
It may be wise to look up the % of natural health products consumed in your country b/c enforcement will likely expand globally.
NHPPA | Natural Health Products Protection Association
Will Canadians lose the right to buy vitamins and access their naturopath, nutritionist or TCM practitioner? With Health Canada’s Bill C47 aimed at tightening the regulatory grip on natural health products, and Big Pharma’s ever-growing influence in Canada’s public health regulations, serious concerns are being raised by physicians and the natural health industry about the future of consumer and patient rights to access the healthcare they want.
Bill C-47 Is Law | Golden Opportunity
Watch this short video to understand the context around how pushback against Health Canada changes in light of this bill passing into law—and how it may be a blessing in disguise. 04:41 mins
When Canadians learn their natural health product costs will soar and fewer products are available … this is when the sleeping giant will begin to awaken to how dark is our present reality, and doors open that otherwise would remain closed.
Health Supplements Under Attack
Specific legislation in Canada poses a threat to natural medicine according to five panelists on ‘Good Morning CHD.’ Find out how messaging and law can impact the manufacturing and distribution of supplements in favor Big Pharma over natural health.
Let’s help one another by spreading the word
Flyer for distribution [PDF below]
An Economic Impact Study found:
76% of brands say there is a high/very high chance they will need to pull product from the market as a result of these regulations.
1 in 5 companies say they are considering leaving the Canadian market. New products and international brands will likely not come to Canada because the regulatory burden will be too severe.
66% of companies said it would have a negative impact on employment.
Tell your MP and Senators in the province where you live to:
They may ignore us now however it’s vital to get objections on the public record.
Canadian Health Food Association flyer
How to influence a greater reality
Each of us can increase awareness of criminal entities causing the hardships we endure. This is not conspiracy theory, this is historical fact; facts that compel each of us to reject tyrannical laws before they are enacted, and withdraw consent to enslavement and depopulation.
Empire of Illusion
We will keep their life spans short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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