"MILITARY DETENTIONS IN 2021–2022: Maria Barret (detained), William Charles Ayers (life imprisoned at GITMO), David Axelrod (detained), Amy Coney Barrett (detained), Patricia Conrad (detained), Melinda Gates (detained), Paul Pelosi (life imprisoned at GITMO), George Soros (detained), Brian Stelter (detained). Real Raw News.

MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2022: Alec Baldwin (hanged), Richard Cheney (hanged), Francis Collins (hanged), Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon (firing squad), Michael Donilon (hanged), Anita Dunn (hanged), Anthony Fauci (hanged), Avril Haines (two head-shots), Valerie Jarrett (hanged), Loretta Lynch (hanged), Denis McDonough (two head-shots), Gavin Newsom (hanged), Sonia Sotomayor (hanged), Michael Sussman (firing squad), Thomas Vilsack (hanged). Real Raw News

MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2021: Huma Abedin (hanged), William Barr (hanged), Joseph Biden (firing squad), Hunter Biden (hanged), Deborah Birx (firing squad), John Brennan (hanged), George Bush Sr. (euthanized), George Bush Jr. (hanged), William Clinton (suicide), Hilary Clinton (hanged), Chelsea Clinton (hanged), James Comey (guillotine), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), William Gates (hanged), Tom Hanks (euthanized), John McCain (firing squad), Mark Mezvinsky (hanged), John Podesta (firing squad), Colin Powell (suicide), Susan Rice (hanged), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), Adam Schiff (hanged), Peter Scolari (hanged). Real Raw News ”

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Real Raw News is propaganda. The globalists are killing us worldwide and will enslave the few survivors. Plan includes open borders/daily invasion, China and Russia united vs. the US, famine, poverty, death by lethal "medical" injections, etc. Most people cannot face the ugly reality. We must create an alternate society: banking, healthcare, schools...

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