I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Life happens ‘through’ us not by us
The effect of consent can cause liabilities as well as benefits. That can be a hard pill to swallow when challenges persist or worsen despite attempts to improve, until one self realizes and acknowledges trying to force change in the physical does not work.
Principles that govern everyone and everything
Ancient, mystical, esoteric and secret teachings dating back over 5,000 years from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece all have as a common thread, the Seven Hermetic Laws of the Universe. The governing Laws seek neither to punish nor reward. They are impersonal, operating automatically along unconscious lines without conscious participation.
Immutable and Mutable Laws of the Universe
Of the Seven Universal Laws the first three are Higher Immutable Laws meaning they have always existed and will always exist. The remaining four are Lower Mutable Laws meaning they are transitory and can be transcended or worked with to create an ideal inner and outer world.
Every body can learn and live by the Seven Universal Laws. To transcend the four Lower Mutable Laws requires first mastering the three Higher Immutable Laws.
Principles of the truth are seven
Excerpts …
Law #1: The Universal Law of Mentalism (Immutable)
"The All is Mind—The Universe is Mental". This means that mind or consciousness is the underlying substance of the entire Universe and that this consciousness is the Mind of The Absolute—Universal Mind.
Law #2: The Universal Law of Correspondence (Immutable)
Also known as the Law of Analogy. This Law tells us "As Above So Below, As Below So Above", "As Within So Without, As Without So Within.'“ Put simply, there is no separation since everything, including you, is Mind.
Law #3: The Universal Law of Vibration (Immutable)
"The Whole Universe is But a Vibration". This is confirmed by modern-day science that states everything, including you, is pure energy vibrating at different rates of vibrations.
Law #4: The Universal Law of Polarity (Mutable)
"Everything is Dual, Everything has Poles", "Everything has its Pair of Opposites", "Opposites are Identical in Nature, but Different in Degree".
Law #5: The Universal Law of Rhythm (Mutable)
"Everything Flows Out and In", "All Things Rise and Fall", "The Pendulum Swing Manifests in Everything", "The Measure of the Swing to the Right is the Measure of the Swing to the Left", "Rhythm compensates."
Law #6: The Universal Law of Cause and Effect (Mutable)
"Every Cause has its Effect", "Every Effect has its Cause." In accordance with this Law every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power.
Law #7: The Universal Law of Gender (Mutable)
"Gender is in Everything", "Everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles". In the Mental Plane, the directive masculine aspects are your conscious mind, your will and your logic. The corresponding feminine creative aspects are your subconscious mind, your desires and your emotions respectively. Both genders are equally powerful and important and the pairs must work together.
Conscious creators
As stated in the Kybalion "The Universe exists by virtue of these Laws, which form its framework and which hold it together." Once you know these Universal Laws you can use your knowledge of the Higher Laws to master and transcend the Lower Laws.
This is fundamental to attaining direction over your inner mental world so you can consciously create your intended reality and achieve true mastery.
Mastering the seven Universal Laws leads to mastering your life in every way.
Martial rule of law
Maxims of law:
Amidst arms laws are silent.
Silence is tacit or implied consent.
This planet is under martial rule, which explains the absence of justice in the courts and no law enforcement unless it pleases the occupiers.
Each of us self realizing and self empowering through an open mind and new information, is the alternative to voting for the lesser of two evils selected and installed by ruling entities. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
#7 Universal law of gender . ?
"Directive = masculine . Conscious mind , Logic.
Corresponding = feminine . Creative , Emotions ."
Now listen what A. Einstein said about these .
" The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant .
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift ."
Intuitive mind is a higher form of intelligence than a logical mind . The intuitive mind is our connection to the universe .
They are NOT equal.
#7 universal law needs correction .