I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Randy Hillier meet up May 28 + June 03.24
Randy Hillier is a former member of provincial parliament (MPP) in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario 2007-2022.
By Randy Hillier
Many people grew up seeing homeless people, but in my youth, homelessness was beyond rare and generally unknown in Canada, but today tent cities, couch surfing, and homeless shelters are found in every city and town. It was so incremental we did not notice the change.
As a youth there were no Food Banks, no food drives, and no school breakfast program, but nearly every family had at least one farmer in their extended family. The former are now common fixtures throughout all Canadian communities and the latter is indeed rare. The changes are even more striking and cover all spheres of our economic, social and cultural lives when we look at the numbers:
Canada by the numbers
1 in 5 Canadians have a mental health problem.
1 in 10 adults are experiencing homelessness.
6 in 10 Canadians are overweight or obese.
5 in 10 Canadians over 60 are on at least 3 lifetime prescriptions.
Homeownership is at its lowest levels since 2011 at 65%.
3 in 10 Canadians over 15 have one or more disabilities.
Autism has risen from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 50.
Only 3 in 10 Canadians believe there is a God.
1 in 4 working Canadians are employed by governments (3.6 million).
Only 1 in 3 Canadians are employed (16.5 million, Canada’s pop is ~41 million).
Ready to stand together?
Join us for an insightful discussion and networking opportunities. Learn how our government and politicians create scams, protect yourself and inform others how they can do the same. Let's come together to make a difference and create a free community for everyone. Be part of the solution. Continue at https://randyhillier.substack.com/p/the-unseen-changes-to-canada
Sponsored by https://nomorelockdowns.ca founded by Randy Hillier May 2020.
Ready to learn together?
How can voting for politicians at any level be a solution when all politicians ‘must’ take an oath to the King? https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/O-1/FullText.html
The King works for the Vatican
The Treaty of Paris was concluded between the King of Great Britain and the United States of America. The King, operating as Arch Treasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire means the King works for the Vatican. https://ia801305.us.archive.org/10/items/cihm_44215/cihm_44215.pdf
The King launched The Great Reset
June 2020, through the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset
Climate alarmism
Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical letter ‘LAUDATO SI’ | On Care For Our Common Home using deliberate emotional language, claimed human creatures are the root of ecological problems that the Pope and fictions of law plan to fix. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html
Climate alarmism challenged
Oct 10.23
2022 Physics Nobel Prize Laurette Dr. John Clauser stated climate change is not a crisis. Real truth could be found if and only if you learn to recognize and use good science. It's especially true when real truth is politically incorrect. 05:13 mins
There is no climate emergency
Global network of over 1900 scientists and professionals prepared this urgent message.
Public education’s new operating system
Randy Hillier asked his 12 year old grandson what he was learning in geography. His grandson said “The planet is ending. We are killing our planet. Every day, every one of us is killing our planet and there is no future for our planet.”
Households Wince at Rising Price of Going Green
Climate scientists claim humans are responsible for virtually all global heating over the last 200 years.
May 06.24
Governments that were among the earliest in the world to adopt climate legislation tried to take the sting out of transition by motivating consumers with subsidies. Now, however, the same capitals are cash-strapped and many are passing the bill to the consumer. Subsidies are being scaled back, taxes tied to carbon emissions are being phased in, and rules requiring expensive renovations are starting to bite.
Vatican and sustainable development goal #5 Gender Equality
ROME (LifeSiteNews) Catholics expressed horror after a male performance artist danced in drag for young children during Pope Francis’ first World Children’s Day May 2024.
On our watch
A dangerous assault on the health and innocence of children. In 10 minutes see for yourself. https://www.comprehensivesexualityeducation.org
Self govern
1] Expand your awareness,
2] Cooperate with others,
3] Challenge false narratives,
4] Heal inner emotional wounds that block potential to create what you require not necessarily what you desire,
5] Make better quality choices,
6] Save the children,
7] Inform others about what’s at stake.
To vote is consent to give your gift from the Highest Authority to create in this physical reality through freewill choice, to politicians installed and controlled by globalists dehumanizing and depopulating our species. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Hello Doreen, been awhile, great post, shared it on my X page. Your last one I shared did quite well, better than most of my content actually. I think substack is a great platform for authors, but not so sure it is good for promoting a movie, I have put out several posts that I thought people would find interesting but it has been pretty dead on my site, practically a ghost town. I keep wondering if substack will boot me off for lack of audience . No one even watches the trailer at all. Same thing on X. I will give it another 3-4 months, if nothing changes I will probably move on from X and substack .