US Announces Official Ban On Incandescent Lightbulbs Aug 01, 2023
Vs. the dark side of blue light.
HEAVY FINES for spreading light
Starting next week, Americans will only be able to purchase LED lights from retailers across the nation as an official ban on incandescent lightbulbs will go into effect.
How long until the worldwide ban is imposed?
DOE warned retailers in January the ban goes into full effect in August
LED lights use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent
Critics: Ban is government overreach; people should decide for themselves
Come Tuesday, while it won’t be illegal to own incandescent light bulbs, it will be illegal for stores to sell them and companies to manufacture them.
Slow and steady is how new norms are established to minimize public push back
Blue Light Toxicity, Mitigating 5G & Mitochondrial Health
Dr. Jack Kruse talks about light, water and magnetism. More specifically blue light toxicity, EMF radiation in the name of 5G and how to bio-hack our way out of the dangers.
08:00 mins I want people to know that just the light environment change is enough to cause biochemical changes that lead to diabetes, metabolic syndrome, diseases everybody talks about. You don't need food to do it. In fact, if you put somebody in a blue lit room you can actually stimulate insulin release without any food via their eyes. Our world now is 24/7 blue lit. All our screens, our laptops, our phones, our TVs. Think about what happened with TVs in 2009 with Obama, analog to digital made everything LCD and LED. LED lights have a color temperature 5750 Kelvin, the exact same color temperature of solar noon. That means our population for probably the last 75 years has been inundated with a signal to its brain via the central retinal pathways that it's solar noon. We've never stimulated or seen a true winter.
Safeguard your eyes and biological clock [circadian rhythms] with
Musk capitulates: Twitter will default to dark mode but still offer a light option
Just when you think Elon Musk can’t get any more divisive, he’s weighed in on the light mode versus dark mode debate — and Twitter, currently undergoing a rebranding to X, is apparently going all in on the latter.
The battle between dark and light is in plain view for all to see. Many people are being harmed unnecessarily through unawareness, denial, apathy and consent.
Our greater destiny was carved into stone
The ancients foretold of two paths available to man in the future and where each of the paths would lead. That future time is now, etched in stone over 1,000 years ago.
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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