Vitamin-Induced Injuries + Caffeine and the human brain
From unconscious supplement user, to conscious awareness raiser.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Vitamin D makes for strong bones - whose truth?
By Agent 131711
Dec 18.24
Many years ago, back when I was asleep and living my life as a normal person who believed absolutely everything I was told without question, I had gotten into bodybuilding. I have always been a relatively thin person so even though I was working out daily, I was having problems putting on more muscle, specifically in my arms. I used the internet to seek out advice and found sites like On these sites, and in bodybuilding forums, the advice was supplement, supplement, supplement (and quit cardio, focus only on weights, pound ungodly amounts of protein). Vitamin D was a key supplement because it makes for strong bones - I remembered this from those old school Got Milk? campaign ads
I was stoked to have a solution. I rushed to GNC where I loaded up on hundreds of dollars worth of products from the forums - if a dozen people on the internet said it worked for them, it will work for me too. Within a short matter of time, I had a shelf that spanned the full length of my closet, loaded with every pill, powder and fancy little bottle of drops that you could name. I was very proud of my shelf and just seeing it made me feel good because health is important to me.
Everything was going great, really great… until the day it wasn’t.
Change is inevitable, growth is optional
The assault on man demands individuals take responsibility for our own health and well being. I sent information about vitamin D causing arthritis to two alleged quality manufacturers. After the first no response, I wrote a 2nd and 3rd time. Still no response; silence is tacit or implied consent. I stopped taking all vitamin supplements.
At the moment, I am in the process of releasing attachment to coffee. I halved my daily intake and look forward ‘experiencing’ the benefits.
How coffee/caffeine influences your brain
May 10, 2021
Jason Christoff is a phenomenal elf-sabotage coach. In this clip, Jason shares how coffee/caffeine influences your brain and all the negative influences, in his opinion, that come from consuming it. 04:55 mins.
Caffeine effect on the human brain
July 16, 2016
Caffeine will decrease blood to the brain by 40%. This is shown in a imaging study by drinking just one cup of coffee and then doing a functional MRI. When it was actually measured blood decreased to the brain by 52%.
Caffeine is what is known as an alkaloid poison and any poison that's ingested will activate the limbic system where you go into lower IQ.
30 Reasons to give up coffee
#1 According to the author, Stephen Cherniske, “Caffeine is a biological poison used by plants as a pesticide.”
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog