A powerful life lesson [49 seconds]
To prevent homo sapiens from being transformed into trans-human borgs living in a wireless prison, it is vital to acknowledge millennia of deception, and cooperate to inform others if we are to free ourselves, one person at a time.
What lid shackled man?
The ‘lid’ that has shackled man for millennia is ‘fear’ [false evidence appearing real], placed over man by ‘handlers’ of church, state, corporations, and Central Banks, using deception, distractions, manipulation, omissions, emotion, voting, debt slavery, and technology.
When we face a fear, it loses its grip. Start with a small fear. Let successes build your confidence over time as you work toward more and more inner peace and calm.
From covidism to climatism
No longer can anyone turn a blind eye to betrayal by church, state, and corporations we trusted if you want to live free, healthy and prosperous.
Government overreach will continue until individuals withdraw consent en masse. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/the-great-reveal-tiptoe-to-tyranny
What time is it, time for climate change lockdown
Italy Oct 06.22.
The ecological transition ministry signed a decree introducing new limits and new times for gas heating over the coming winter to help cope with the energy crisis.
s.m.a.r.t meters make lockdowns possible
2011 | Jerry Day
How many of you believe s.m.a.r.t. devices are about electrical metering and/or personal convenience? 4.32 mins
99% of what we experience is AI controlled
2017 | Jerry Day
“AI will make itself smarter than people at a rate of learning thousands of times faster than humans. AI grows itself. It writes its own code and expands its capabilities constantly. Our free-range Intel friend gets more intelligent on an upward curve. The smarter AI gets the faster it gets even smarter. The bigger AI gets the faster it gets bigger.”
Central Bank Digital Currency prison planet
The deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently explained how Central Bank Digital Currencies can be programmed to determine what people are allowed to buy and insisted they should be used alongside a China-style Social Credit Score system. https://expose-news.com/2022/10/19/imf-cbdc-social-credit-score/
In addition, there will be a carbon score used to restrict travel and food consumption; 1 is lowest and best, 500 is highest and worst.
The way out is within
The flea illustration is a timely ‘clue’ during this world age shift foretold by many indigenous cultures and most major religions. Each of us is here at this time to find our multidimensional nature within, like caterpillar transforming into butterfly, and the choices we make each moment determine whether we crawl between the boots of tyrants, or mature and evolve in a garden paradise the way it was meant to be.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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