Wetiko: Healing the mind-parasite that plagues our world Part I of II
Mass psychosis of totalitarianism and solutions!
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
I changed the word virus to parasite b/c there is no proof that a virus actually exists.
Wetiko mind-parasite
By Paul Levy
Wouldn’t it be beneficial and at the same time chilling, to learn that a “mind-parasite” had spread throughout the world, infecting our society and manifesting in people close to us—even in ourselves? It is a madness that has always plagued humanity. Now, we are becoming increasingly aware of it and seeing it for what it is. Some call it evil, others call it demonic, early Gnostics called it Archon, which is Greek for ‘ruler’. Native American Indians call it ‘wetiko’.
Whether it's propaganda, continuous negative news, psychological manipulation, toxic food, water, air, technology escalating at an exponential rate, humanity and our planet are under attack and at a serious crossroads.
Before we can treat this sickness that has infected us all, we have to snap out of denial, acknowledge this disease, name it, talk about it and understand how it operates, to ascertain how to effectively deal with it.
The following information is about psycho spiritual parasites, a mind-disease explained in great detail below. This psychic disease can be thought of as a “bug” in “the system” that informs and animates the madness playing out in our lives individually and collectively. Being positive is the most effective way to dispel these mind-parasites attempting to delay evolution of our species.
Normalization of Wetiko
Many of us have become conditioned to thinking if we were truly in a middle of a collective psychosis we would see people running around naked and screaming. This ingrained idea, however, gets in the way of recognizing the very real collective insanity in which all of us are—both passively and actively—participating. To envision what a collective psychosis could actually look like realize it would look exactly like what is happening right now across this planet.
What Is Wetiko?
Wetiko is a mind parasite, it is not human, it controls our mind for its own personal gain and is ultra contagious. It has been here since the beginning of its own framing of our history.
To the extent we are unconsciously possessed by wetiko, it is as if a psychic tapeworm or parasite has taken over our brain and tricked us, its host, into thinking we are feeding and empowering ourselves while we are actually nourishing the parasite; a process which will ultimately kill its host—us. Continue at https://www.innertraditions.com/blog/wetiko-in-a-nutshell
Covid-19 symbolizes a much deeper infection - the wetiko mind-parasite
It is a true game-changer to recognize coronavirus is literally a materialization in our world—a REVELATION—of the immaterial and heretofore invisible wetiko virus that exists deep within the collective unconscious of humanity. Seen through the eyes of symbolic awareness, the world-wide coronavirus pandemic is symbolically reflecting—like a dream, where the outer dreamscape is an expression of the inner state of the dreamer—an unconscious and destructive process (the wetiko parasite) happening deep within the human psyche. What is playing out in the Covid-19 pandemic (with all the various political, social and financial reactions to it in our world as well as what it brings up inside our minds) can help us to begin to see the deeper underlying and more dangerous wetiko pandemic—a collective psychological infection—that has been plaguing humanity from time immemorial.
Seeing how the wetiko mind-parasite surreptitiously works—both out in the world and within our own minds (the only place it can be confronted and potentially dissolved) is its worst nightmare, for to see it takes away its raison d’etre, which is to perpetuate itself. Seeing wetiko simultaneously dispels its power over us while empowering ourselves. This is why healing the ‘cancer of mind blindness’—and seeing wetiko—is of such importance. A disguised form of its revelation, Covid-19 could potentially be the lens that helps us bring into focus and begin to see wetiko for its emerging potential. https://www.awakeninthedream.com/covid19-short
Part II To raise consciousness lower entropy
Entropy: a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog