Children must emit 8 x less CO2 than their grandparents
Future generations will have to severely cut emissions to prevent climate change from reaching 1.5°C or 2°°C. Global average lifetime carbon budgets per-capita by birth year, are based on historical emissions data from the Global Carbon Project, historical and future projected population from the United Nations and MESSAGE-GLOBIOM, assuming a lifespan of 85 years.
Carbon limit credit cards & tools to reduce your impact
New solutions and perspectives need to be showcased in order to accelerate interest and action. Therefore Doconomy presented and hosted a stage in connection to World Economic Forum.
Reduce personal carbon emissions by 800%
Will anyone even have a choice soon?
Absence of a level playing field
CBDC is not a currency it’s a control system
Globalists must now seize ‘complete’ control or lose control b/c ‘the’ truth will not be extinguished.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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