When all else fails: Psyop UFO hoax vs. peace in space
The most highly controlled narrative ever ...
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UFO/EBE back story
Authors who wrote the books of prophecy within the Islamic-Christian-Judeo religious traditions had to control the narrative, so religions were the product of a massive, multi-century fraud perpetrated on populations as the greatest control mechanism in world history.
Covid was a defining point that revealed numerous dark agendas i.e. betrayal of man, fraud, corruption, coercion ‘coordinated’ through church, state, corporate leaders et al in every country leading to greater control of populations, much fear and confusion.
The primary reason for cover-up of UFO truth and EBE [extraterrestrial biological entity] presence is because religious paradigms by which humanity is controlled would be greatly undermined and their influence significantly weakened. Acknowledgement of a superior race of ETs would knock ruling entities’ handlers off their pedestals, which they could never accept despite the fact they deal with ETs behind the scenes. Source 2023 https://stateofthenation.info
UFO disclosure - why now?
By 2nd smartest guy
Dec 15.24
After years of revelations about strange lights in the sky, first hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs, and governmental investigations, Congress seems to have admitted something startling in print: it doesn’t believe all UFOs are “man-made.”
Buried deep in a report that’s an addendum to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, a budget that governs America’s clandestine services, Congress made two startling claims. The first is that “cross-domain trans-medium threats to the United States national security are expanding exponentially.” The second is that it wants to distinguish between UFOs that are human in origin and those that are not: “Temporary non-attributed objects, or those that are positively identified as man-made after analysis, will be passed to appropriate offices and should not be considered under the definition as unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena,” the document states.
UFO hoax
They are laying the narratives and telegraphing their scam for the ultimate insurance policy in their PSYOP-UFO. The usual criminals in the WEF, UN, CIA et al. will naturally swoop in with all of the solutions to “save” humanity during this alien “invasion” they themselves perpetrated.
The captured and blackmailed Congress has been ordered to roll out PSYOP-UFO in case the upcoming PSYOP-22-25 and PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE fail to sufficiently terrorize Americans into total compliance. Continue at https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/as-all-else-fails-psyop-ufo
Avert being trapped and caged
Disclosure Project Washington DC May 9, 2001
First UFO whistleblower event hosted by Dr Steven Greer; testimony of many brave people who chose to come forward. Dr. Carol Rosin 1:28:00 mins reveals the control game being played on Earth and projected ending to advance NWO totalitarianism.
Von Braun Tried to Warn Us About a Fake Alien Invasion
Apr 2018
Source with thanks to 2nd smartest guy in the world
https://exonews.org/wilileaks-document-suggest-that-wernher-von-braun-tried-to-warn-us-about-a-fake-alien-invasion/Peace in space
Ban all space-based weapons for national and world security, prosperity, and sustainable development.
Continue at https://peaceinspace.com
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog