SOGI 123/CSE Series: “Safe and Inclusive” for Whom?
Comprehensive Sexuality Education AKA Global Grooming Network Sex activists are rife throughout the education system and using their position to hyper-sexualize our children in order to break down their defenses against predatorial behaviour.
Sexually Explicit and Pornographic Books Currently Available in Schools and Libraries across Canada.
Samples from sexually explicit and pornographic books that are being made available to children via schools and public libraries.
CSE/SOGI 123 (Comprehensive Sexual Education/Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) are Trojan horses that were brought into schools under the guise of anti-bullying and to teach children to be “inclusive” and support LGBTQ2+ students. However, introducing children to this program is a portal for exposing minors to sexually explicit/pornographic materials (books, magazines, comic strips), sexually deviancy (such as teaching children to masturbate and introducing youth to organizations that are involved in exploiting minors). These are criminal offences according to s.163.1, s.152 and s.171 of the Criminal Code, and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection defines them as sexual abuse.
Criminal code offenses are ignored b/c the planet is occupied.
The most hard-hitting professional journalist
Thank you Jeannette.
Mar 2023
Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, a feminist and a leading voice really looking behind the curtain at who is pushing this TRANS AGENDA! In this interview, we discuss one of the most controversial subjects of our time: the massive effort to promote transgenderism and to push "gender-affirming care" on children.
You may have heard of the documentary "What is a Woman" but that film didn't dare ask: "Who is behind this?"
The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)
One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI).
Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Expose the truth about the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity agenda being pushed in school curriculums around the world, and empower parents to take back control over their children’s education.
You can print off flyers to educate people about SOGI from the SOGI task force website
Calling all Mothers
Thank you Judy.
Mobilizing And Empowering Mothers in Support of the Restoration of Parental Consent and the Defence of our Children, in Canada and Abroad.
On Mother's Day, Sunday May 14th 2023, Women, Mothers and their kids will be Marching in solidarity across Canada and Globally to defend and protect our most vulnerable, the Children.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
kenites,read and watch about them in Revelation 2:9 through 3:9 KJV here...Shepherdschapel on YT Theseasonorg explains the whole Bible God bless 1. KNOW that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 2. UNDERSTAND the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23 3. CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Romans 10:9 4. REPENT of your sins Luke 13:3 5. READ and STUDY God's Word to show yourself approved. 2 Timothy 2:15 6. PUT ON the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11 7. BEWARE of the son of perdition who is coming first disguised as Jesus to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or worshipped. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 8. WATCH and PRAY until the true Christ returns. Luke 12:37 Remain as a chaste virgin waiting for her true husband (Christ). 2 Corinthians 11:2
Animals have respect , they don't force sex , not like us humans !!!!
Maybe animals have more common sense than us humans as well!