Randy Hillier, former Ontario MPP makes noise
April 2023
Release Order March 2022 https://www.randyhillier.com
Where else is this going on? 28:50 mins
Partial transcript
In the mafia they use the term Omerta for this Code of Silence; sworn to secrecy by oath.
01:42 mins “That’s what ‘all’ political parties and all their members rely on in Canada. As we've seen, especially prevalent in the last three years, all our elected representatives are silent and completely muzzled. The fear of being ostracized by their parties keeps them in line and upholding Omerta.
27:12 mins If you're asking why did no one speak out? Why did none of our elected members, why did nobody in our institutions, in our courts, in our law enforcement, because of Grooming.
The PC and political parties grooming of Youth for sexual favors, also Grooms everyone into adopting the Code of Silence the mafia uses.
Our political parties are crime families
For any and all of you who think solutions to the problems in our country [Canada] are found in our political parties, guess again. You don't go to an organized crime family to find Justice.” END
There is no left or right, there is no red or blue party, there is only ‘one’ big political party, the International Democrat Union [IDU], co-founded by George H. W. Bush, and chaired by globalist Stephen Harper advancing a new world order reset through politicians they install world-wide.
2007 under 1 minute
As long as individuals continue to promote, support, fund, and vote for more of the same who is the real problem? And who is the lasting solution?
How many alt media are installed?
Amazing Polly
Apr 26.23
A lot of these people are under contract; who’s pulling the strings?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Another great Substack Doreen! I have wondered about the "Silence" across law enforcement, political parties, etc...Kudos to Randy Hillier for speaking up. An honourable man and true Canadian hero. Sharing across Telegram once again!