I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
What is a smart city?
A smart city is an urban environment with omnipresent surveillance and every aspect of life is to be monitored via data harvesting technologies: SMART Lights, SMART Poles, SMART Cars, SMART Neighborhoods, SMART Homes, SMART Appliances, SMART Energy, SMART Transportation and other SMART technologies. Together they form an omnipresent surveillance grid continually collecting information about every detail about you and your family.
How are they connecting our bodies to smart cities?
Apr 18.24
In the context of BioDigital Convergence, ‘The phrase “convergent technologies” refers to the synergistic combination of four major “NBIC”(Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is currently progressing at a rapid rate:
(a) nanoscience and nanotechnology;
(b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including genetic engineering;
(c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; and
(d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience.’
All connected to the 17 Sustainable
Continue at https://theylied.substack.com/p/theylied-biodigital-convergence-smart
All connected to consent
External SMART devices are synchronized with devices directly connected to the human body like SMART watches on our wrists and SMART phones in our hands. These devices gather information about what is happening inside our body and have the ability to alter functions of the human body. In the near future, they are to be implanted inside the human body to collect even more data and have a lot more influence on what happens inside us …
Smart cities limit mobility
To ensure everyone remains within the perimeter of data harvesting, movement in smart cities is limited to 15-20 minutes from home. This concept coined the phrase “15 Minute Cities” and is promoted as the best idea ever for saving the planet from climate change. Everything you need is available within a short distance so no one ever needs to go beyond that perimeter. For longer distances, a permit will be required.
Virtual realities are being created as an alternative to spending time in nature. Examples are the MetaVerse and its alternatives.
The Planned Fall of American Cities
May 20.24
Smart Cities claim the use of technology and Internet of Things (IoT) are solutions to improve everything from critical infrastructure and public safety to efficiencies in city energy use. 21 Cities across the US that signed on to be smart cities are: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Austin, Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Dallas, Portland, Chicago, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Boulder, Denver and Columbus.
The chosen cities are being intentionally crashed so certain mega-conglomerates like BlackRock can pick up the real estate for pennies on the dollar. People will demand a solution to crime and degradation, which will be technology, AI and automation. China is the model for a technocratic dictatorship. John Williams claims that within the next 24 to 36 months these cities will make huge changes. 12:35 mins
Top 10 Most Futuristic Smart Cities in the World
Apr 14.23
When selecting our top 10 most futuristic smart cities, we considered the innovative applications of common IoT-enabling technologies such as 5G, AI, sensors and communication-associated hardware and software. The most futuristic smart cities worldwide use technology to improve the lives of citizens. [Psychological conditioning and/or sugar coated cyanide]. https://www.digi.com/blog/post/smart-cities-in-the-world
Zero privacy in smart cities
Camero's revolutionary Xaver™LR80 - Long Range Sense Through Walls System.
Source https://needtoknow.news/2024/05/21-smart-cities-confirmed-in-the-planned-fall-of-american-cities/
The central nervous system of smart cities is 5G
According to former Chilean president Sebastián Piñera [1949-12-01 to 2024-02-06], 5G is not only able to read our thoughts, 5G can insert thoughts and emotions into everyone. He stated it will become the central nervous system of society, and guaranteed they will ensure it reaches every home in the country. All streetlights in smart cities conceal 5G antennas.
Wealth today is data, not gold or oil
The more data a corporation, government, or banking imperium has about the population, the more power it affords them. Smart cities will be an unprecedented way to use humanity as one massive herd of data creatures.
Unprecedented levels of control
“By giving them your data, you give them the ability to monitor and assess your behavior, which can now be converted into a social credit score. That score is then used to determine what privileges you qualify for and which ones you don’t in the new slave society.” Silicon Valley engineer, Aman Jabbi.
Is there a way to end present chaos? Yes!
First and foremost, educate people in your community. The sole reason tyrants are able to pull this off is ignorance of the masses. People haven’t got the slightest clue what is looming over their heads. They have been programmed to go along unquestioningly with anything. It is our duty to inform them any way we can. https://stopworldcontrol.com/smart-city/
When speaking to people who are unaware, present raw data to get your message across. The unconscious mind sees all, so long as their conscious mind doesn’t label what you say as conspiracy or fiction then a seed of truth has been planted. TY!
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
https://www.iec.ch/system/files/2023-10/wsdcombinedpdf_0.pdf 👀
One of the few blogs that discusses NBIC - Thank you!