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Genesis of climate myth
‘The Limits to Growth’ | A report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind. Published March 1972. https://archive.org/details/limitstogrowthr00mead
Commissioned by the Club of Rome, MIT researchers used the World3 system dynamics model for computer simulation that resulted in climate alarmism to support a grim vision of environmental and economic collapse.
Results of the simulation were set forth in crude black-and-white graph reproduced directly from line-printer output as follows.
Brian Hayes explains World3.0 flaws
Nov-Dec 1993
Comparing the computer model with the real world, one is struck first by how much has been left out. All the diverse resources that drive world industry—metals, energy, feedstocks—are amalgamated into a single generic resource. Likewise all pollutants are represented by one undifferentiated poison substance. And there is no geography in the model: All the world’s nations and peoples are one nation and one people.
The World3 group is careful to state this scenario is not a prediction; no one expects the variables to follow precisely these trajectories.
Thomas Malthus made the same point almost 200 years ago, observing that when a population doubles every 25 years it must eventually outrun its food supply. But in World3 the Predicament of Mankind is even worse. Under the Malthusian law, although growth cannot continue, a nongrowing population can flourish indefinitely, always producing enough food to meet its needs. In World3, by contrast, a static population or even a declining one— must eventually dig the last troy ounce of treasure from the earth, and dwindle away.
The real significance of Figure 10 is not the prescription it suggests for the real world but the question it raises about World3. Finding that a model is highly sensitive to a parameter is cause for caution, and for looking closely at the value assigned to that parameter. In this case the value of 0.43 adopted by the World3 group does not appear to have very solid empirical support—it is an average calculated from highly disparate data—and the true value might well be different.
Meadows and his colleagues rewrote their book but not their computer model. In 1972 they acknowledged the model was “imperfect, oversimplified and unfinished,” and they wrote: “We intend to alter, expand, and improve it as our knowledge and the world data base gradually improve.” Yet the model they present today is little changed from the original.
Club of Rome, United Nations, Agenda 21
June 28, 2010
The United Nations Foundation was created by prominent Club of Rome member Ted Turner who donated one billion dollars to support environmental activities of the UN. A significant proportion of this money was designated for “programmes specifically addressing climate change” and funding the IPCC. The Foundation also created the Global Security Institute to “propose far-reaching reforms of the international system.” https://agendatwentyone.wordpress.com/2010/06/28/the-club-of-rome-where-the-buck-stops/
Club of Rome Canada
June 20, 2021
In 1968, Canada’s prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the critical hinge upon which the Club of Rome’s fortunes swung in Canada.
2021 marked the 50th anniversary of a pivotal meeting of the Club of Rome sponsored by Pierre Trudeau in Ottawa to draft a plan to prevent a global Limits to Growth crisis.
World3.0 no limits to growth of deception
July 21.22
Weather Modification: chemical and electric
World3.0 computer modelling by omission ignores weather modification:
Geo-engineering a.k.a. solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection block sunlight vital to man and nature,
Weather modification steers hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes,
DEW: Direct energy weapons spark fires,
GWEN [Ground Wave Energy Network] towers control weather,
HARP [High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program] heats the ionosphere,
Aircraft and ships discharge chemicals that contaminate the soil, crops, water, air, humans and nature. https://climateviewer.com/weather-modification/
Mining carbon $billions
‘UNconventional Grey’ reveals how geoengineering, not climate change, leads straight to UN sustainable development / carbon / master plan. In fact, geoengineering with all its political muscle is the price of admission to world government and biggest transfer of wealth ever, to the rich. 03:54 mins
Canada carbon tax
In Canada, the minimum price on carbon pollution (for direct pricing systems) will increase by $15 per tonne per year starting in 2023 through to 2030.
Carbon tax increases automatically added to your bill.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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