Updates Mar 31.23 See TD change #11 and Contract Law
By Nick Giambruno
March 2023
The eNaira is Africa’s 1st CBDC
Central bankers, academics, politicians, and other influencers from over 100 countries are in the throes of launching their own CBDC and closely following Nigeria.
They used Nigeria, Africa’s largest country by population and size of its economy, as a trial balloon to test nefarious plans to eliminate cash in North America, Europe and beyond.
Incentives [a.k.a. sugar coated cyanide] will appear tempting i.e. like discounts, and other incentives to increase CONesnt of eNaira.
In North America and Europe, expect the government to require CBDCs to receive welfare payments, a potential universal basic income, so-called “inflation relief checks, etc.
Insight #1: Don’t Take the Bait… Reject CBDC Incentives
Insight #2: Simultaneous Moves To Eliminate Cash
Insight #3: Bank Restrictions
Insight #4: Rising Inflation
Insight #5: Social Unrest
Governments will probably mandate CBDCs as the “solution” when the next real or contrived crisis hits—which is likely not far off.
Each Insight is described in the following link.
Of no concern to you? Think again b/c the plan is for all governments to use the same playbook to impose CBDCs.
TD Canada Trust
Julia Torontojules – TikTok Short video
Partial transcript
TD bank is attempting to implement digital ID. Without push back other banks will do the same. Customers have until Apr 24.23 to call or visit a branch to decline or you are automatically enrolled.
Wording is a concern. Since when does not responding by a deadline constitute consent? In every other situation you have to agree to terms and conditions. Non-action or not doing anything does not mean you agree. This is completely new and untrustworthy.
Initial email referred to Interact Verification Service formerly known as verified.me This is digital ID folks. Go to https://verified.me web page where it states it is a digital identity verification network.
Wording is reality
Since antiquity, maxims, which are Principles and Authorities have been in place. To this day, many are upheld by the highest courts.
Maxim:: Silence is tacit or implied consent.
They can do away with cash, track our carbon credits, and move the goal post as they inch closer and closer to world domination, unless the majority of people withdraw consent and demand an alternative to digital ID.
TD Cardholder and Electronic Financial Services Terms and Conditions #11
11. Verified.Me:
The Verified.MeTM service is a third party digital identity service provided by SecureKey Technologies Inc. (or its successors or assigns) ("SecureKey"). For clarity, the Verified.Me service is not an Electronic Financial Service. Using the Verified.Me service, users can share their personal information held by participating organizations, such as Canadian financial institutions, with participating third parties that users want to transact with.
Registering to use the Verified.Me service and creating a Verified.Me account requires users to select a participating financial institution with which they have an active online or mobile banking relationship. Each time a user accesses the Verified.
Me service, they will authenticate using their online or mobile banking credentials with the selected financial institution. If you are a TD personal banking customer, then you may select TD and register for and access the Verified.Me service using the Card, Credentials and/or PIN that you use to access EasyWeb or the TD app.
For more information about Verified.Me, please visit https://verified.me/
You acknowledge that, unless you instruct us to disable the use of your Credentials, Card and PIN for the Verified.Me service, in accordance with the paragraph below, your Card or Credentials and PIN may be used to register for and access the Verified.Me service.
If you wish to disable the use of your Credentials, Card and PIN for the Verified.Me service, please contact EasyLine at 1-866-222-3456 or 416-983-5393 (Collect).
As a service provided by SecureKey, your use of the Verified.Me service is governed by the terms of the agreements between you and SecureKey. You agree that you will not bring any claim, suit, allegation or proceeding against us that relates to your use of, or inability to use, the Verified.Me service.
To withdraw consent and demand an alternative to digital ID Email customer.service@td.com or call 1 833 259 5890
TD and WEF
Scotiabank [Affiliated with Costco]
BNS Scotiabank vicariously made the same maneuver 5 months ago with the mandatory mobile phone (<paid for> digital ID) verification when using on-line banking, making it difficult to access accounts overseas without re-installing a Canadian sim card and paying long distance charges. ($12 every time the Sim card was installed and activated).
An interface presuming ownership of a mobile phone is now a mandatory condition of citizenship?
The writing is on the wall and we've known for decades this was coming. Arguing for permission is unlikely to effectuate restoration of human-ness.
Contract Law
What is a Contract?
• A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law. In order for a contract to be considered valid, there must be:
1. Offer and acceptance
2. Consideration
3. Capacity
4. Consent
5. Lawful purpose
Capacity, Consent, Lawful Purpose
Each party involved in the contract must also freely consent, or agree, to the terms in the agreement.
Undue Influence & Duress
• When one party applies pressure on the other to form a contract, this is undue influence.
• Any contract that is formed with undue influence lacks proper consent and will be declared void.
Finally, every contract negotiated in Canada must have a lawful purpose or objective; in other words, no contract can violate any law.
New solutions required
I have written extensively in 2023 about changing physical matter reality by releasing attachment to beliefs that limit our potential. Objective science, physics, and mathematics substantiate our ability to change outer reality. To learn how is a choice.
A new solution is to take time to know who you truly are and that every choice you make is reflected back to you, so the more love, the more courage and fulfillment. This is the opportunity each of us is here to experience so a new era can reflect a greater physical reality to all.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Centralized is bad.
Decentralized (can be) good
With the obvious collusion against the people happening here, we need to UNIFY against our biggest problem: THE CORRUPTION IN OUR SYSTEMS.
We have answers. Listen to what Satoshi said about it: