X-Files Season 10, Episode 6
In the hospital, Scully is still trying to sell Einstein on her theory that alien DNA is responsible for starting a massive, cross-viral pandemic. Einstein asks how tampering with humanity's DNA can even happen. Scully reminds her that everyone these days has had a smallpox vaccine.
Tad's back on internet, trying to warn the populace of the spreading viruses. The evidence is starting to pile up in the hospital, and Scully posits that the military is being targeted first and that other support services will follow.
Transcript excerpts
Einstein: You say they're tampering with our DNA, that they're able to shut down our immune systems by the addition of something to our DNA?
Scully: Yes, but I don't know how exactly. Or how it's being triggered. I don't know that either. Or why it's happening now.
Our immune systems decimated by the same tampering to all our genomes. Who will be first hit? The people we most depend on-- the police, health care workers. Then people in metropolitan areas.
O'Malley: We have breaking news of hospitals being overrun and temporary shelters filling up, but the reality is all too clear. It is a collapse. The mainstream media failing to cover the story, failing to see the writing on the wall, as anthrax outbreaks give way to an epidemic of flu and bacterial diseases. Now, if you see graffiti like this in your neighborhood, you can suspect your DNA is being targeted by a release of aluminum into the atmosphere through chemtrails -- a systematic spreading of a substance that triggers a genetic response. Cases in New York, California, across the country, while right here in Washington, immunity to common germs is breaking down and flooding our city hospitals. https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?t=25532
Is the writer of this X-Files episode a time traveler or senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan?
Mirror images 2016/2022
This 2016 X-Files episode ‘mirrors’ present reality i.e., ultimate ownership and control of all wealth, all resources, and all human beings.
15 mins https://wethepundit.com/wow-unbelievable-the-x-files-in-2016-tampering-with-out-dna/
179 nations agreed to UN Agenda 21 in 1992
By Rosa Koire [March 28, 1956 - May 30, 2021] warned us.
“All totalitarian states share the same characteristics: total control of property and the means of production, total information, surveillance, loss of free speech, restricted movement and it’s all for the common good”.
Dec 16.22
Sara Nicholson, former CBC journalist
“Allegedly Trudeau will take land and those mineral rights he is offering under UNDRIP (the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) which allows them to take land from homeowners and landowners across Canada to give to the natives, but as soon as they have signed the deal as aboriginals, they lose their right to the land as they are no longer ‘Indians’.
UNDRIP is world-wide, to achieve Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset where everyone will happily own nothing. Link to Sara Nicholson’s full text inserted into the following.
UN agenda 21/2030 for sustainable development
By Rosa Koire
The plan to use the idea of climate change to implement a supranational government run by the United Nations. https://jmm.nu/agenda-21-2030-sustainable-development/
The ‘con’ in consent
The Great ‘con’ of man is hidden in the tiny word ‘consent’.
Consent of man is a ‘must’ before globalists carry out their wicked plans, however there do not appear to be rules about ‘how’ they inform the people. Often it is through entertainment as you can see in the X-Files above, The Simpsons, deception, coercion, distractions, mind control, fear, etc.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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