Dr. Richard L. Day, accurate whistle blower
Prophets and conspiracy groups have long believed in the prophecy of a one-world government. They claim progression in the past century has revealed, and silenced those who claim to expose it. Although plans for the end game seem to have slowly unveiled with public documents such as UN’s Agenda 21 and World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ matching such prophecies, other revelations have come from whistle blowers aiming to warn the public.
In 1988, Lawrence Dunagen, a paediatrician from Mt. Lebanon, took audio tapes to explain a meeting he attended on the 20th of March 1969 led by Dr. Richard Day, a professor of paediatrics at Pittsburgh university, and future director at Planned Parenthood.
In the tapes recorded by Randy Engel, Lawrence claimed Dr. Richard Day made “off the record” remarks of a plan for humanity as follows.
Key subjects Dr. Day mentioned
State Surveillance Through Technology
New Diseases Will Crop Up
Entertainment Will Become More Graphic
Suppressing Cancer Cures
Homosexuality Will Be Promoted
Clothing Will Become More Seductive
The Family Unit Will Be Dismantled
ID Will Be Widely Required
Food Production Will Be Tightly Controlled
Terrorism Will Increase
Money Will Become Cashless
Euthanasia & Demise Pill
Religion Will Have To Go
Children Will Be Pushed Immensely With Education
People Will Become Used To Change
Contraception Will Be Widely Promoted And Available
Abortion Will Be Legalised and Accepted
Details for each of the above
Planned Parenthood
From what we know about Planned Parenthood, recently suspended from entering schools in Saskatchewan, if Dr. Richard Day was one of their directors that could explain how he knew so much b/c globalists plan decades in advance.
Link to ‘New Order of Barbarians’ tapes
Each of us can interpret revelations as negative or give thanks for knowing the truth and do something to mitigate harm.
Implied consent
“When we watch a movie about human trafficking or become aware of possible danger, and do not say or do something to remove our consent, we unknowingly agree through silence; therefore, the Dark Forces did not violate our free will. This is how the Dark Forces and Dark Magicians get away with most of their evil deeds. Ignorance is no excuse and silence implies “consent”. To be more accurate, being silent is known as implied consent. In the information and computer age, there is no excuse for not knowing these things, especially if you live in a country with easy access to Internet.” Pao L. Chang, author of Word Magic.
Without consent of man, dark forces are powerless, otherwise why would they go to such lengths to obtain it?
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thanks Sarah.
Silence = LISENCE
Implies = IMP LIES
Consent = CON SENT
SILENCE IMPLIES CONSENT=impenitence clines loss=incompetence silliness=incensements pollicies