Agile governance for post pandemic world - heads up folks
It's time to defend Divine jurisdiction.
Canadian government signed onto a charter with the World Economic Forum
Signed Nov 2020
Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Singapore, UAE and UK sign world’s first “Agile Nations” agreement at a panel co-organised by the OECD and World Economic Forum (WEF).
Jan 28.23
Video from Dr. Leslyn Lewis reveals the Liberal Government signed Canada onto a charter with the World Economic Forum.
This charter is called the Agile Nations Charter and will seemingly enable the Liberal government to circumvent Parliament's "post-pandemic" governance; an apparent assault on Canada's sovereignty.
Media blackout
Media blackout is the opposite of the agile values and guiding principles, including transparency and making everything visible.
By whose authority?
Where does the British North America Act 1867 [below] and Constitution Act 1982 [below] state the Parliament and Government of Canada has all Powers necessary or proper for performing the Obligations of Canada or of any Province thereof, as Part ' of the British Empire, towards NON Foreign Countries, arising under Treaties between the Empire and such NON Foreign Countries? Like the WHO and WEF?
Treaty Obligations BNA ACT 1867
Section 132: The Parliament and Government of Canada shall have all Powers necessary or proper for performing the Obligations of Canada or of and Province thereof, as Part ' of the British Empire, towards Foreign Countries, arising under Treaties between the Empire and such Foreign Countries.
Treaty Obligations CONSTITUTION ACTS 1867 to 1982
Section 132: The Parliament and Government of Canada shall have all Powers necessary or proper for performing the Obligations of Canada or of any Province thereof, as Part of the British Empire, towards Foreign Countries, arising under Treaties between the Empire and such Foreign Countries. Date modified: 2023-01-19
Mistakes of the medical freedom movement
A. L. R. suggested … my responses follow.
So, before you get more people killed, understand and uphold…
All medical coercion is outlawed eternally, whatever the circumstances. [However, the planet is under occupation, so outlawed by whom?]
Medical confidentiality is eternally sacred. [Ontario doctor faces prison for refusing to hand over patient’s private medical records.]
The word “No” is exemption enough. [Are the alternatives to pay fines, jail time, and denied access to life due to social credit and/or carbon scores, etc.?]
Refuse the tests! [See #3 alternatives].
Bring justice, regardless of acts and statutes, and stop bending the knee to unlawful legislation. [Under military occupation law enforcement has been captured by the occupiers. People are the enemy under occupier’s control].
Lieber Code Article 3
Maxims of Law
Custom and agreement overrule law.
A custom of the truest antiquity is to be retained.
In other words, complying with masking, toxic food, water, air, technology, lawlessness, hypersexualization of children etc. are established customs by consent.
Outer world follows inner world
The more authentic each of us is, in private as well as in public, and the more we cooperate rather than judge one another are solutions.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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