Bill Gates' 3 hour intimate dinner with Donald Trump and 'inferred' infectious diseases
What this tract of man 'needs' to know.
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A long and intriguing dinner
In the following short clip, Editor in Chief Emma Tucker asked Bill Gates if he had met with Trump. Bill Gates replied, “Yeah, I had a chance to go have a long and actually quite intriguing dinner with him.”
When he was pressed to expound on what intrigued him, Gates said he, Trump, Wiles, and one of his closest confidantes had a discussion that made an impression on him:
So the four of us sat there and it was quite wide-ranging. You know, global health is the area that I work in and such amazing things have happened and can happen there. I spoke a lot about HIV and that the foundation’s literally working on a cure for that. We’re at an early stage. And so, you know, he in the Covid days accelerated the vaccine innovation. So I, you know, was asking him if maybe the same kind of thing could be done here. And we both got, I think, pretty excited about that.
We talked about polio where, you know, we’re very close to getting that done. But if you if you stop, it’ll spread back. And so I explained why it’s been tough in Pakistan, Afghanistan. We’ve had cases show up in Gaza. We have cases in Africa. And he was fascinated to hear what he could do to maximize the chance that during the next four years, that incredible milestone will be achieved. I felt like he was, you know, energized and – you know – looking forward to helping to drive innovation. You know, I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up.
In another clip measles was mentioned by Bill Gates so I posted the following at and
2016 Measles on trial | Dr. Stephan Lanka. The highest court ruling in Germany stipulates that all claims regarding the infection called measles, measles vaccinations and the measles virus have no scientific basis.
1989 Newspapers across America headlined AZT had been “proven to be effective in HIV antibody-positive, asymptomatic, and early ARC patients,” even though one of the panel’s main concerns was that the drug should only be used in a last-case scenario for critically-ill AIDS patients, due to the drug’s extreme toxicity. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), was now pushing to expand prescription.
1991 Robert Strecker: AIDS is a Man Made Disease | Dr. Robert Strecker was commissioned to find out what was behind AIDS for insurance companies. He found it was a retrovirus requested by committees in the UN in the 1960's and then it became a reality.
2001 AIDS was manufactured by the Government - Dr. Len Horowitz
2013 AIDS hoax destroyed by Biologist Christl Meyer 09:19 mins
Scandal Leading Up To The Potential Global Slush Fund
Jan 2025 From the same entities who brought AIDS, now super AIDS. [Recent fog] Dr. Len Horowitz
2019 The REAL History of Polio – 20 Things this tract of man ought to know.
#10. Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of U.S Congress in 1951 that paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and government to deflect litigation away from both parties.
Dissolving Illusions:
Fear of the Invisible:
Maxims of law
Silence is tacit or implied consent.
Ignorance of those things one is bound to know does not excuse.
What man does not fix, man gets to keep
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule in not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, and the distinction between true and false no longer exist”. Hanna Arendt.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thank you for your services as a researcher, writer and activist! Great reporting on a hot topic and the man who loves flaunting himself as a medical expert while harming children all over the world…
This is a very important compendium. Thank you for putting it together. I'm keeping it as a reference.