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Follow the money
Jan 02.25
The Canadian government has given the green light to a Gates-funded Canada-based company to move forward with its plans. Gates’s latest venture is a Canadian startup called Deep Sky.
Deep Sky seeks to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from Earth’s atmosphere and bury it underground. However, the project’s plans are based on the widely debunked claims that CO2 is harmful to the planet or causes “global warming.”
Deep Sky, a Montreal-based company, has secured a $40-million grant from Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Catalyst.
The funding is being used to build a facility in Alberta by spring 2025.
The company plans to store the captured CO2 two kilometers underground in a deep saline aquifer, a process known as direct air capture (DAC).
On our watch???
Gates is funding an effort that seeks to chop down a staggering 70 million acres of trees to allegedly “fight global warming.”
Gates’ organization, Breakthrough Energy, plowed $6.6 million into the project led by Kodama Systems. The move will see 70m acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down. Live links and more at https://slaynews.com/news/canada-advances-bill-gates-plan-destroy-earths-atmosphere/
The old ways do not work
Maxim of law: Laws are silent amidst arms. In other words, occupier’s laws prevail not civil laws. Consequently, making deputations to mayors and city councilors and writing letters to elected and non-elected bureaucrats are ignored. There is no justice in the courts. W/out law enforcement who will defend Earth and all life here?
Evidence our laws are silent
Destroying natural man
Did you know the absence of bodily autonomy is slavery?
If the ‘Gene Technology Bill’ is not rebutted by a critical mass of New Zealanders silence is tacit or implied consent, then similar legislation to abolish bodily autonomy will likely expand to other countries.
International law
Slavery in international law is governed by a number of treaties, conventions and declarations. Foremost among these is the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) that states in Article 4: “no one should be held in slavery or servitude, slavery in all of its forms should be eliminated.”
Protection from slavery is reiterated in the Slavery Convention.
Article 1 of the Slavery Convention defined slavery “as the status or condition of a person over which the powers of ownership are applied;” and the slave trade as “acts involving the capture, selling, or transport of enslaved people . . . in general, every act of trade or transport in slaves.” https://humanrightscommitments.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Slavery-Convention.pdf
The outcome is a choice everyone is called to make … TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Infuriating... Especially when there are new clean technologies that can transmute exhausts... But no. That would actually clean up the demon Co2 that they need.
Canada is so deep in this grift there may be no way out.