Challenge to "W.H.O.", etc. re "monkeypox virus" fraud/delusion | Courage
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WHO declares mpox virus a public health emergency of international concern
mpox 2.0
4 minute video from the WHO press conference provides information NOT clearly mentioned in the press release published by the WHO. Continue at
Maxims of law
Facts are more powerful than words.
The necessity of proving, lies on he who raises the action.
Necessity is not bound down under law; because what in other cases is not lawful, necessity makes lawful.
It is the same thing to do a thing as not to prohibit it when in your power.
He who is silent appears to consent.
By, under, out of, and through, the absolute authority of Necessity and Emergency and other Extraordinary Measures I offer the following;
By Christine Massey
Aug 15.24
I hereby challenge anyone at the preposterously-named "W.H.O.", or anywhere else on the planet, to provide/cite valid scientific evidence of any "monkeypox virus" (or any other alleged "virus").
Silence will be interpreted as your tacit admission that you cannot provide or cite any, because it doesn't exist. Monkeypox mythology continued at
The ‘k’ in monkeypox is silent
Insightful comment at
To avert total enslavement of man requires a critical mass of humans to become aware of the war on man and summon the courage to DENY the forces of darkness access to our inner operating system, the power of our spirit/soul to create via freewill consent.
Courage breeds self empowerment. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Big Money behind “Fake Science”
CDC Admits NO DOCUMENTATION For the Existence of the Monkey Pox Virus After a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request!