Citizens informing Mayors and Council Members: Important
Clarification of Laura Chambers’ Deputation to Calgary Council Nov 18.24.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
What is a Deputation?
A person or group appointed to represent another or others; a delegation.
In reality: A Deputation is a brief statement [usually 5 minutes maximum], presented by a citizen in person to their local Mayor and Council Members in Council Chambers open to the public.
Below are corrections to Laura Chambers’ Deputation | Important
My original Blog contents have also been corrected.
Bold Claims, Real Issues
By Maggie Braun
Dec 03.24
Today, I’m sharing the video of Laura Chambers’ deputation to Calgary City Council. I deeply respect her courage to speak on these issues—standing before council and addressing complex topics takes great strength. I thank Laura for her boldness in bringing attention to these matters, and I hope this inspires others to get involved.
As someone who gave a similar deputation in Peterborough in 2023, I’ve learned a lot since then. My journey has taught me the importance of accuracy and clarity, especially when addressing topics of this magnitude. To that end, I feel it is necessary to address the content of this deputation to separate fact from unverified claims and provide further clarity for those inspired by it.
Maggie Braun commentary
Dec 03.24
"Brian Mulroney signed Canada into the United Nations' Partners for Climate Protection in 1992 along with 178 other countries."
Correction: Mulroney signed Canada onto Agenda 21, which was drafted in part by ICLEI and the FCM.
"He and other leaders were lured by the promise of 'big money' to go green."
"His signature made Canada a UN state. Provinces became sub-states, and all cities became UN city-states, of which Calgary is one."
Correction: The claim that Canada's signature on Agenda 21 turned it into a "UN state," with provinces as "sub-states" and cities as "UN city-states," is unfounded. Agenda 21 is a non-binding framework for sustainable development, and its implementation is voluntary, leaving national and local governments fully autonomous. Canada's provinces and municipalities operate under the Canadian Constitution, and their status remains unchanged by any UN agreement.
"By 2000, we saw countries being governed by the direction of the World Bank, the WEF, the WHO, and ICLEI."
True: By 2000, organizations like the World Bank, WEF, WHO, and ICLEI significantly influenced global and local policies, guiding decisions on economic, health, and environmental issues. While they did not directly govern countries, their frameworks and recommendations shaped the direction of governance, aligning nations with their agendas.
"Since 1994, all city officials have received a municipal primer from FCM and ICLEI."
Correction: Only the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment(CCME) sent the primer. The same year the FCM partnered with ICLEI to launch the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program.
"That primer gives municipal governments the direction on how to fraudulently restructure local government."
Correction: The primer is a blueprint for implementing Agenda 21 through Canadian municipalities, adopting a global-over-local agenda. However, it does not restructure local governments and remained voluntary, placing liability for adoption and implementation on local councils.
Continue at
Deputation Dec 03.24
I supported a friend who made a Deputation to his Ontario Mayor and Council members today. Less than 10 citizens attended. He delivered the same Deputation Laura Chambers delivered to Calgary Council members Nov 18.24. Ontario Council member’s body language suggested, at least to me, he hit a nerve.
Council members approved a 6.58% property tax increase in 2025. [Aggregate 19% property tax increase 2023+2024+2025]. Council members also cut 80% out of the budget formerly allocated to Councillors to communicate with constituents. The CAO [chief administrative officer unelected, installed by the United Nations] did a poor job trying to defend the 80% cut.
Many of us are on a steep learning curve during these challenging times. The extraordinary volume of information flowing non-stop and often contradictory seems intentional. It can wear people down and overwhelm. Technology makes it hard to discern what is real from what is illusion, what is true from what is false. Rather than argue and judge can we just keep an open mind and be more gentle with ourselves and one another?
Each of us sees through filters or different belief systems, which can lead to conflict and other negativity. Negative human emotion is referred to as loosh. Loosh feeds non-physical beings dependent on human soul energy to survive. This dynamic has kept the matrix control system alive for millennia. This dynamic explains why outer world follows inner world. This dynamic also explains how each of us can improve physical matter reality from the inside out.
What is the Matrix Control System?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Excellent, thank you.
I have listed all the FINDINGS but it is to long to post here.