Court orders CDC to release data disclosing 18 million jab injuries in America + Fauci emails
What about known deaths?
We have the evidence, where’s the justice?
More than 18 million people were injured so badly by their first COVID shot from Pfizer or Moderna they had to go to the hospital. That’s according to the CDC’s own internal data, which a court ordered the federal agency to release to a watchdog group.
Instead of alerting the public to incredible dangers of these shots and completely shutting down mass vaccination mandates, the CDC covered up the info until it was forced to release it.
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Inscrutable emails Between Fauci, Drosten et al
In February 2020, virologists were beginning to worry that discussion about the origins of SARS-2 was getting out of hand. Four of them [see image] decided to write a short statement on the matter, in the hopes of regaining control of the debate. Jeremy Farrar, chairman of the international vaccination cabal known as the Wellcome Trust, coordinated their work and sent a draft to various virological villains, among them Anthony Fauci and Christian Drosten, for comment. A later version of the statement appeared in Nature a month later as “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2”.
Ensuing discussion came to light, as a result of another successful FOIA request for Anthony Fauci’s emails, and it contains some interesting moments.
The draft statement itself (at p. 67 here) is mostly unremarkable. It insists, in bold on the first page, that “Analysis of the virus genome sequences clearly demonstrates that the virus is not a laboratory construct or experimentally manipulated virus.” At least some of its authors, though, especially Edward Holmes, were willing to entertain the lab leak hypothesis, and the consequence was this paragraph considering the possibility that SARS-2 had been enhanced by repeated passage in cell cultures or animals.
Christian Drosten answered immediately that he thought he and his colleagues had already agreed “to challenge a certain theory, and if we could, drop it”:
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Graphene oxide and EMF radiation
The purpose of this article is to share information of graphene oxide as it relates to vaccines, artificial intelligence, and the human body.
La Quinta Columna is able to show connection between EMF radiation from external cellular sources and the nanotechnology, creating a connection to the internet within the human body. This cellular connection establishes the basis for artificial intelligence (AI) control of human beings and any other form of life. La Quinta Columna describes this as “digital parasites” in the human body and “acute radiation” of it as well.
Graphene oxide activation lockstep sympathetic resonance
Everything has its own resonant frequency. Through this frequency you can transmit energy and information. Graphene oxide has multiple resonant frequencies. One of them is 26Ghz, which will be a frequency used in the new 5G infrastructure.
The brief video illustrates how you can use frequencies to affect other objects tuned to the same frequency.
Transcend lawlessness
Day after day we witness loss of human rights and freedoms, medical tyranny, debt slavery, fraud, fabricated wars, democide, etc. Once cash is abolished and replaced with Central Bank Digital Currency it could be too late to preserve and free our species.
Numbers count [positive vs. negative]
A legal, lawful, peaceful process is underway to disempower perpetrators of a world coup. Each of us has the ability to get in sympathetic resonance with ‘victory’ through positive intentions, or energize doubt, disbelief, judgment and other negative choices, which are consent to delay freedom and advance enslavement.
We will keep you apprised.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
After full disclosure by Paul Jackson Ph. D. to the premier and chief medical officer of Ontario, the government neglected their 'duty of care' by enforcing covid-19 restrictions without 'informed' consent.
Ct represents cycle thresholds or # of amplifications used in the PCR test. Ct up to 45 were used in PCR tests world-wide. There were no Ct standards established for labs nor hospitals, which allowed perpetrators to relentlessly report escalating cases to frighten unaware people into compliance with covid restrictions.
In an article published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, Bullard et al reported that patients could not be contagious with Ct >25 as the virus is not detected in culture above this value [6]. This limit was then evoked in the French media during an interview with a member of the French Scientific Council Covid-19 as a possible value above which patients are no longer contagious [7].