I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Wall of silence
The link between covid-19 injections and blood clots has been investigated by many. None are better situated to observe abnormal clots than embalmers. As UK-based funeral director John Looney demonstrates in the short film, there's no way these new clots can be missed in the embalming process.
"You make an incision under the collar line, you insert a pump, it pumps formaldehyde around the body. Well, when you release the pump, you get back pressure... And it spits this stuff out."
The "stuff" Looney is so concerned about is a strange new form of blood clot. He has seen anything like this in his almost 20-year career.
Looney is not the first embalmer to say he's never seen anything like these rubbery clots before. The fact these have suddenly started appearing should be cause for worldwide concern. The presence of the clots, combined with increase in excess deaths should be enough to warrant a massive investigation.
This testimony is an important part of the debate
Apr 8, 2024
14:40 mins
Health Canada 2,140 page report of deaths
Obtained by Canadian Independent, a Canadian Freedom of Information Request resulted in a response containing 2,140 pages of reports containing information about deaths after covid m-RNA nanotech injections.
ATIP Req # A-2023-000085
“All individual reports with an outcome of death submitted by provincial health ministries, hospitals, product manufacturers or any other party, that are causally, indeterminately, inconsistently, unclassifiably or temporally associated with receipt of any COVID-19 vaccine. Dates: 1 Mar 2020 - April 20, 2023”
Organization: Health Canada
The war on man
Proof this planet is under military martial rule is the absence of law enforcement. People report to authorities serious injuries/deaths after m-RNA injections, rebut the climate hoax, report corruption, fraud and other lawlessness, file lawsuits, rebut ideologies stealing children’s future, make deputations to local mayors/councillors, rebut depopulation, etc. to no avail b/c as the enemy man has no rights and amidst arms laws are silent.
USA Lieber Code | rules of war
Open the following link and search the word ‘enemy’ to grasp the latitude occupiers have with impunity to seize property, withhold sustenance and kill the enemy. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/19th_century/lieber.asp#sec1
International Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
Food processing plants burned down, blown up or destroyed
Never in history has there been this amount of “accidental destruction” of the food supply. Reuters and others say there is no evidence incidents were intentional or planned however the sheer numbers statistically are alarming. List of nearly 100 fires 2021 and 2022.
Attack on the food supply
By AGENT131711
Mar 29, 2024
Attacks on farms, cattle ranches, and food supply are worldwide, in lockstep. So much is suppressed by media that unless you dig you would never know. I am not hyperbolic when I say this is WWIII. Here’s a glimpse of how bad it is.
Eating insects: chitin alert
Max Igan
Aug 22, 2022
Research ‘chitin’ yourself and see what you discover. 01:59 mins
Laws of the Universe
The dark construct man has been trapped in for millennia keeps repeating in response to the ‘quality’ of freewill choices. Everyone is tasked to choose between same old and going along to get along, or raising the quality of our consciousness through new information, self improvement and meaningful action.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog