Awakening is the next stage in human evolution
Thank you, Judy!
June 05, 2023
The Awakening Mind Film Series travels the globe speaking to wisdom teachers, visionaries, and scientists from broad and diverse disciplines, philosophies, and traditions who are pointing with uncanny similarity and intelligence to this time as an epic juncture and an invitation to a higher evolution for humanity.
Awakening Mind explores the questions "who am I?", "what is awakening?", "why awaken?", "what is consciousness?", "how do I awaken?", "what is the purpose and meaning of life?", and "how am I to navigate this world experience to the best of my ability for the benefit of all?" In this time where the world feels out of control and filled with so much suffering and sadness, these questions are particularly relevant, and the answers are a lot simpler than one might imagine.
Our visionaries help our audience see that life is not as complicated as they may believe, and it is possible to awaken to the understanding that peace and happiness is available to anyone anywhere in the world right now.
The Awakening Mind Film Series is free to view for the benefit of humanity and the awakening of human consciousness (in as many languages as possible).
Science is starting to see not a world of unconscious particles and fields, but a universe made of conscious agents. As Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” That day is today. 1:05:14 mins
Instagram: Beyond the Veil
Why does life test us?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
After birthing and breast feeding babies neither religion nor science was anything but a passing curiousity to me.