D.E.W. you see what I see?
Thanks Chad.
June 08.23
Canada has more than 429 active fires of which 247 are out of control, close to 30,000 people under evacuation orders and 1,000 firefighters from around the world.
Listen to what the developer of direct energy weapons [D.E.W.] has to say, and see for yourselves. These laser directed energy weapons do in fact exist.
Man under fire
“He who controls the weather, controls the world.”
“Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”
"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
Operation Sodom and Gomorra - wickedness
Why is the Khazarian cabal so determined to transform every major U.S. city into a Sodom and Gomorrah worse than that biblical abomination?
Epidemic of moral bankruptcy
Unprecedented Canadian wildfires are feeding a ‘smoke apocalypse’ covering most of the North American continent. The following link includes fire maps US/Canada and the world, and ‘Fires & Smoke: Homeopathy Can Help’
Problem-Reaction-Solution [P-R-S]: Phaseout fossil fuels
Globalists rely on the same old P-R-S strategy b/c humans are so predictable. Globalists create a problem so public reaction is strong enough for the majority of people to consent to globalist’s solutions advancing world domination as follows.
P-R-S: Global human rights emergency
Amnesty International
June 2023
Burning fossil fuels accounts for more than 70 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the primary cause of climate change. The ripple effects endanger the right to life, to water, food, housing, health, and an adequate standard of living. The survival of entire peoples is at risk.
That’s why human rights experts joined scientists to sound the alarm. A rapid phaseout of fossil fuels is necessary in order to protect the right to a healthy environment and all life that depends on it. https://takeaction.amnesty.ca/page/103899/action
It is wise to read between the lines b/c anyone pushing the phaseout of fossil fuels without acknowledging free energy, the benefits of CO2, and beneficial practices that absorb CO2, and/or pushing other survival fear porn admit they are on a dark path. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/if-you-grow-your-own-food-consider
P-R-S: Scientists warn insect decline threatens fruit crops and food security
The drivers of insect loss vary, but almost certainly include loss of habitat (driven by expansion of agricultural land), exposure to pesticides and climate breakdown. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/07/insect-decline-a-threat-to-fruit-crops-and-food-security-scientists-warn-mps-aoe
Did you notice the World Economic Forum’s signature in the above article i.e. sustainable farming system, environment and land management schemes [you own nothing and will be happy], biodiversity?
Truth, courage, and cooperation solutions
Without insects, food crops, clean water/air and habitat there are few to no people. However, without climate engineering operations, and by installing only authentic, moral leaders held accountable in cleansed systems, body-mind-spirit focused education, whole body health, beneficial technology, harmlessness, and genuine connection with the Divine, many will survive b/c outer world follows inner world.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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