I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
About CO2 Coalition
The CO2 Coalition was established in 2015 as a 501(c)(3) for the purpose of educating thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy. The Coalition seeks to engage in an informed and dispassionate discussion of climate change, humans’ role in the climate system, limitations of climate models, and the consequences of mandated reductions in CO2 emissions.
Human nature
The old ways no longer work b/c as seasons change on Earth so do cycles of time come to a close during a world age shift, to make way for a new era that mirrors our responses day to day now.
What also no longer works?
Ignoring the warning signs like weather modification https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/un-climate-change-conference-cop28
Wireless technology making trees sick, insects and wildlife in decline, weaponized street lights https://radiationdangers.com/?s=trees
If that wasn’t enough, stealing children’s innocence and futures. Child predators working overtime during the holidays requires heightened awareness. Here’s what to look for https://letkidsbekids.substack.com/p/how-to-protect-your-child-from-predators
Why aren’t children being informed it is not possible to change their sex? https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/100-failure-rate-for-trans-surgery
Homo sapiens being transformed into a hybrid of flesh and technology, toxic food, water, air, censorship, mass surveillance, legalized propaganda and no rule of law unless it benefits dark rulers of this planet.
False Transitions and Global Stocktakes: Failure of COP28
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark
Global Research, December 18, 2023
COP28 featuring 97,000 participants, including 2,456 fossil fuel lobbyists was more of a shambles than its predecessor. Its location – in an oil rich state – was head scratching.
It’s all theater to continue the climate drama unabated, funded by the unaware silent majority public. Now let’s look at climate facts.
Climate facts
The following is an extensive library of facts and detailed data to empower yourself with knowledge to correct mainstream media propaganda [COP28], inform friends, family, all levels of government, key influencers, and align with the CO2 Coalition to expose the climate hoax before it destroys what the Highest Authority put together and enslaves any survivors.
Fact #1
140-million-year trend of dangerously decreasing CO2.
For the last 140 million years, CO2 levels fell precipitously & steadily to within about 30 ppm of the 150 ppm “line of death” below which plants can’t survive. Both the relatively short-term data from ice cores and much longer-term data going back 140 million years (Berner 2001) show an alarming downward trend toward CO2 starvation. The release of carbon dioxide by the use of fossil fuels has allowed humanity to increase concentrations of this beneficial molecule, and perhaps avert an actual CO2-related climate apocalypse.
Fact #2
Climate scientists have determined, and both sides agree, that the warming effect of each molecule of CO2 decreases significantly (logarithmically) as its concentration increases. This is one reason why there was no runaway greenhouse warming when the concentration of CO2 was approaching 20 times that of today. This inconvenient fact, important though it is, is kept very well hidden and is rarely mentioned, for it undermines the theory of future catastrophic climate change. Diminishing returns apply.
The warming effect of each molecule of CO2 declines as its concentration increases
Fact #3
Today’s low CO2 concentration is starving trees and plants of the food they need to achieve their full growth potential via photosynthesis. Additional benefits of increased CO2:
Increased photosynthesis (“CO2 fertilization”).
Plants grow faster, and with less stress and less water.
Forests are growing faster.
Stimulates growth of beneficial bacteria in both soil and water.
More plant growth, means less erosion of topsoil.
Bigger crop yields, and more and bigger flowers.
Fosters glomalin, a beneficial protein created by root fungi.
Less water loss, less irrigation, and more soil moisture.
Increase in natural repellents to fight insect predators.
First and foremost, CO2 is plant food.
Extensive library
Scroll through the 25 facts and see if you are not amazed. This information needs to reach the public world-wide. Why? To prove the alleged climate crisis is a power grab that includes exterminating most of humanity, mind controlling and enslaving those who survive.
Thanks to https://lawyerlisa.substack.com for the above link.
If the majority of people remain unaware, do nothing, and continue voting for politicians who are advancing a world coup, many more lives will be lost. Almost four years of covid tyranny proved this is so.
The truth is always present. Let’s shine light on climate facts for all to see so more people can become response-able. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog