UN Climate Change Conference COP28 | 2023 COP OUT
Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) ignored.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Climate change narrative IGNORES Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD)
By Professor Michel Chossudovsky
World leaders met in Dubai (UAE) at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference or COP28 from November 30 to December 12, 2023. Their so-called “climate emergency” is to be resolved by a “Race to Zero” by drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The unspoken truth is … it serves powerful financial interests.
As in previous climate summits, environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) –which can trigger tsunamis, typhoons and earthquakes were dismissed by COP28. The emphasis is on CO2 and the dangers of global warming. I should mention that since the mid-1990s, ENMOD techniques are fully operational.
Environment Modification has been amply documented by scientists, acknowledged by mainstream media including CBS and CBC as well as by the US Air Force.
Ten technologies to own the weather
#8 Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Spraying chemicals in the stratosphere to block sunlight is a monumentally stupid idea, and a deadly one.
Please read “The Clarity Clause” and support efforts to bring transparency and verification to the secret world of weather modification, rogue geoengineering, and clandestine weather warfare.
The war on man above and below
No one can afford to IGNORE the war on man. A canopy of chemical haze overhead weeks at a time block sunlight vital to all species and food production.
Research supports much of what Florence Nightingale wrote about sunlight in the 1850s. Solar radiation is the most powerful germicide in the environment. It kills germs that cause respiratory and other infections.
Vitamin D deficiency worldwide
2010 - An Ignored Epidemic
Vitamin D, also described as “the Sun Vitamin” is a steroid with hormone like activity. It regulates the functions of over 200 genes and is essential for growth and development. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068797/
2020 Vitamin D deficiency 2.0
Prevalence rates of severe vitamin D deficiency, defined as 25(OH)D <30 nmol/L (or 12 ng/ml), of 5.9% (US) [18], 7.4% (Canada) [19], and 13% (Europe) [2] have been reported. Worldwide, many countries report very high prevalence of low vitamin D status.
Weather war
Firestorm California
These agendas are not JUST for CA! https://stateofthenation.co/?p=25935
Firestorm Australia
Because the Global Warming deception has been repeatedly debunked, globalists are doubling down on the Land Down Under for the world to see … and be afraid—VERY AFRAID that the same can happen in their back yard.
Firestorm Canada
History repeats with greater intensity until ‘we’ change the pattern by changing ourselves. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/firestorm-canada
Firestorm Maui
For more than a decade, the hardy people of Maui fought to bring clear blue skies back to the tropical paradise by banning geoengineering of their skies. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=181458
Could a solar storm take down the internet?
Fear mongering is intentional to keep the collective frequency of man low, which like a boomerang, returns a matching low frequency [more darkness] through people, events and circumstances.
Thanks to Judy for …
10 things you might not know about internet’s system of undersea cables
Mar 2023
It is a common misconception that most global communication is accomplished via satellite. In fact, over 95% of international data and voice transfers are currently routed through many fiber optic cables that crisscross the world’s seafloors.
8. To take down internet, you’ll need scuba gear and a pair of wire cutters.
A map of the world's undersea cables in 2015. / Cable data by Greg Mahlknecht, map by Openstreetmap contributors, Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0
Changes in the sun change you
As a radio host, I interviewed Reverend Dr. Toni Petrinovich 2 x. Through Toni, I learned changes in the sun change us [2008]. 10 mins
The next frontier is inner space
Align with your soul/spirit to break free from illusions, deceptions and intense darkness. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/become-your-natural-resonant-frequency
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog