Thank you Patricia.
What are predators up to next?
By. Dr. Mark Trozzi
With Jimmy Savile’s friend Charlie now crowned as “king of England” and threatening a “military style campaign” to fight carbon-dioxide (without commenting on his own collection of castles, private jets, limousine entourages, and decadent carbon-spewing, self-aggrandizing, tax-payer-funded events); we should be very concerned as to what these global predators are planning next, and find a way to stop them for good.
The dark ugly past of Climate King Charles, family, and friends
More about Charles, the royal family, Diana's Death, and Charles Intimate friend Jimmy Savile:
Charles Diana, Jimmy Savile, the Merovingian & Carolingian’s
BBC star Jimmy Savile ‘committed sex acts on dead bodies’ while volunteering at hospital
Coronation Exposed: Royal Secrets They Want Hidden
May 05.23
Russell Brand asks: “Have you had the audacity to awaken in a world that wants you dumb and distracted? Surely you haven't, surely you haven't seen through the Matrix, the simulacrum, surely you haven't realized that there's a cohesive plan to keep you dumb, individualized, materialized, caught up in their crazy games?”
From Doreen: By asking questions, Russell Brand makes light of the truth.
06: 14 mins Join us on participate in the chat.
Video description: Join us here for a PREVIEW of our daily one-hour RUMBLE show. To continue watching the show in full, join me live and exclusively over on RUMBLE.
Learn more about Rumble, Russell Brand and other independent content creators here.
12 mins Just exactly what does the British Crown claim to own?
Another clue?
Legal Challenge: Stop U.S. GeoEngineering
After a winter of hell in California and skies adulterated by non-stop aerosol spraying, a substantial legal challenge is being mounted against America's biggest perpetrators.
This is my first time launching a legal battle, but I must do this. I can no longer simply do nothing but bitch.
Nothing around us is normal any longer, and there is one significant factor why; geoengineering.
In the past, I interviewed Dane Wiginton of Geoengineering Watch. If you are still unfamiliar with what I am discussing, start with this interview.
Our forests are completely failing, and trees are dying and falling around us. Our bee population has plummeted. Our insects have vanished. Our birds are all but gone. Our forest fires are now unnatural and terrorize us throughout our summers. Our weather is weaponized, and after recently testing our snow and rainfall, the results are coming back with extraordinarily alarming amounts of heavy metals.
This stratospheric spraying is unabated, killing us slowly, and I won’t take it anymore.
One minute from midnight
Geo-engineering is systematically pushing the planet past points of no return because of the convergence of several destructive energy paradigms which have been operating for many decades.
Every reader of this article needs to understand that, where it concerns the outright destruction of the human habitat, geo-engineering reigns supreme in its potential to render the planet unfit for life … all life — human, animal, and plant.
How can people not see what planes discharge 24/7?
Green is the new red
Perhaps people world-wide could write and remind the King as follows.
The collapse of the Soviet Union showed the disastrous failure of hard line communism practiced for almost seven decades. In view of this debacle, communists had to hide their failed ideology and emerge in a different form. Under the green flag of the environmental movement, communism crept in. This was evidenced by the Marxist takeover of the Greenpeace movement mainly concerned about protecting the environment. But as Lord Christopher Monckton, a special adviser to UK’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, narrated in an interview, “The environmentalists are merely watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.”
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Shepherdschapel YT Theseasonorg explains the whole Bible God bless
1. KNOW that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
2. UNDERSTAND the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23
3. CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Romans 10:9
4. REPENT of your sins Luke 13:3
5. READ and STUDY God's Word to show yourself approved. 2 Timothy 2:15
6. PUT ON the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11
7. BEWARE of the son of perdition who is coming first disguised as Jesus to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or worshipped. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4
8. WATCH and PRAY until the true Christ returns. Luke 12:37 Remain as a chaste virgin waiting for her true husband (Christ). 2 Corinthians 11:2