Los Angeles: Smart city digital ID litigation win Part II of II
Australia pass digital ID law - read on to know why.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
To hack bitcoin takes a quantum computer 10 mins according to Deloitte a military contractor
If data is the new gold then quantum computers are king b/c they can store information or gold, create gold information, steal it, destroy at will. Sovereign nations will do ‘anything’ to control quantum computing, they will even merge with it b/c they are so addicted to power.
AI needed to program quantum computers
1 hr 03:00 mins Main players in the quantum arena are Elon Musk, Microsoft, Google. There are limited # of cubits to maintain a quantum state, which is a challenge. The less cubits the less computations. Quantum computers must be kept in a cold chamber making them very expensive. This technology was made for tyrants not for the people. The goal in computing is to minimize error rate. Sophisticated models use millions of parameters to achieve this. Quantum computers are programmed differently so the smartest computer people don’t know how to program them, they need AI to program quantum computers. In other words, quantum computers program themselves.
The ultimate goal is to remove man’s sovereignty
1 hr 06:50 mins Yuval Harari says if we succeed in making this artificial intelligence, and there is a very good chance we will, we will be beyond godlike.
March 2020 covid. Some people saw beyond the curve, many did not.
April 2021 nose swabs. Some people saw beyond the curve, many did not.
May 2024 same problem-reaction-solution; it’s not about quantum computing, wi-fi, smart systems.
What’s beyond the technology curve?
The UN needs biometric ID to accomplish multiple steps to remove sovereignty in people. Sovereignty must be removed before they can release quantum AI and become gods. That is their goal. To do this they need man to consent to digital ID.
Immigrant invasion = digital ID
Problem: Right now the USA is being invaded at the southern border.
Reaction: The predictable reaction in people is outrage.
Solution: “Don’t worry. We already have the solution. Everyone is going to get biometric ID so we know who’s who, and once we know we can deport the invaders.”
In reality they will deport some not all, not even most of the immigrants. Biometric ID will be linked to bank accounts harming citizens further b/c everyone gets a biometric ID however immigrants get benefits.
Globalists need the immigrant invasion to justify biometric ID. Biometric ID removes sovereignty [through freewill consent]. Once sovereignty is removed, then and only then, will governments allow corporations and corporations allow governments to mutually release quantum computers b/c at that point society has been neutralized and they can become gods.
Until then the war continues mostly about technology. It’s the big players owned by Blackrock controlled by Zionist imposter Jews driving this agenda.
Quantum AI is an extinction level event
1 hr 14 mins Quantum AI computers are an obvious extinction event. It changes everything. It’s not just another technology, it’s game changing technology.
Quantum computer resembles the Tower of Babel.
Quantum AI to replace human kind
That’s what this is about, the sovereign bloodline’s plan to become gods on Earth.
Solution: End the blame game
We must come together as people.
Release attachment to perpetual blame.
Stop contributing to problem-reaction-solution scenarios advancing one world governance.
Look for opportunity in everything, find a higher purpose.
Transhumanism’s Achilles’ heel is biometric ID
1 hr 17:25 mins Digital ID is the solution not the problem. End the blame game by finding opportunities in perceived problems/conflict:
Digital ID is built into all future technology. Remove digital ID and no future technology works.
Vaccine tattoos our next test
1 hr 21:58 mins At Davos 2024, Bill Gates admitted vaccine tattoos will be used in the next pandemic. It will be mailed, for individuals to self apply. It’s like a QR code that can be scanned and links you to the cloud. All personal data is in the cloud. The tattoo is the key that opens access to personal information in the cloud.
With the tattoo you can participate in life.
Our leverage is in the number of people who reject digital ID. Globalists can make life very hard for people who reject the vaccine tattoo. Everyone will be tested b/c we showed up at this time to make a positive difference and free ourselves, which requires courage, cooperation and contribution [action].
Leverage social media
1 hr 27 mins Before 2015, government controlled the narrative on social media. As people gained hundreds of thousands of followers and expanded, challenging mainstream news became a defining moment as the CIA, Mossad lost control of the narrative. The government is scared to death of us having freedom of speech.
One of the best things each of us can do is go on social media, post on social media, find like minded people, tell the truth and what is at stake for everyone.
Mike Benz/Tucker Carlson interview Feb 16, 2024 transcript
Start at 05:20 mins 1 hr 31:42 mins duration
Australia PASS Digital ID Law
Now you know why it passed, why digital ID law will continue to pass in one country after another, and where that leaves us. 06:32 mins
This timeline is like caterpillar struggling to emerge from a cocoon in order to transform into a beautiful butterfly. Courage is the threshold between destructive and constructive living. It will require courage and faith in the Highest Authority and only power, to bring each of us out of darkness into a new era of light.
Numbers count. Please share. TY!
Part I https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/los-angeles-smart-city-digital-id
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog