Mind virus: A contagious psychospiritual disease plaguing humanity + anti-dote
Emergency or emergence-see?
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Dispelling wetiko [mind blindness]
Thanks Judy.
There is a contagious psychospiritual disease, a parasite of the mind currently being acted out en masse via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus--which Native Americans call ‘wetiko’ covertly operates through unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests.
Acknowledge wetiko to diffuse its hold
July 2016
Greed has made a home of us. We built walls that displace others. Corporations have wallpapered themselves into the tapestry of daily life. Politicians sit on screens and promise more of all the things we think we need. We are alone inside of a home of fear, hungry for more. Do you wonder how did we get here? Set aside 04.06 mins to watch, listen and contemplate.
Our disconnection is mirrored in the world around us. The violence against each other and Earth is a pitiful reality. Are we willing to hold the flame to the hollows of self-deception? Disease of loneliness is spreading like an epidemic; a single tree standing where there was once a forest.
Conscious awareness is sunlight to the hidden corners of wetiko. Compassion is a dissolver of wetiko. Awakening from the delusion of separation reveals that in truth we were never disconnected. We are all interconnected.
Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World
Paul Levy’s book Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus that Plagues our World is a call to awaken to a mind-parasite that has infected humanity with a collective psychosis of titanic proportions, yet is so familiar to be almost undetectable. Levy contemplates how wetiko—which is a form of mind blindness—has been creatively represented and symbolized in not only various spiritual wisdom traditions from time immemorial, but by creative artists and philosophers throughout the ages as well.
In a unique and original synthesis of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, evolutionary mysticism, shamanism, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology and insights of C. G. Jung, Paul Levy shows us how to alchemically extract the healing remedy from the poisonous mind-virus known as wetiko by bringing forth the creative spirit thirsting to be born within—and through—us. https://www.awakeninthedream.com/wetiko-book
See Wetiko on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition
By Alnoor Ladha, Martin Kirk
Summer 2016
It is not that we are against markets, technology, or philanthropy — they can all be wonderful, in the right context — but we are against how they are being used as alibis to excuse the insanity of the wetiko paradigm they are inseparable from. We are reminded of Jack Forbes’ heavy words; “It is not logical to allow the wetikos to carry out their evil acts and then accept their assessment of the nature of human life. For after all, the wetiko possess a bias created by their own evil lives, by their own amoral or immoral behavior. And too, if I am correct, they were, and are, also insane.” https://www.kosmosjournal.org/article/seeing-wetiko-on-capitalism-mind-viruses-and-antidotes-for-a-world-in-transition/
You are more than your body
Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., director of research at the HeartMath Institute. Discover the science of coherence and how the elements of all things — from atoms to galaxies — communicate at a profound, fundamental level. This interconnectedness, which happens via biological fields and invisible magnetic fields, influences our health and behaviors, and even correlates with major world events like earthquakes and war.
The Field - what are you feeding the field?
Lynne McTaggart author of ‘The Field’ states “Science has discovered several different elements that undermine everything we’ve been told about how we work and how the world works. We are all part of a universal energy field.”
Albert Einstein termed spooky action at a distance otherwise known as quantum entanglement, a world deeply connected at a very deep level.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
We the People of earth are getting rid of Washington DC, the Federal Reserve & all things Pope-ish (3D oligarchy underworld) We, mankind, are graduating to 5D. All Energies (world consciousness) are coming together, we will experience change.... not to their way either, nope. Their 3D war world is finished, obsolete! It's like they shot themselves in the foot, and no one wants THEM self-serving thugs ruling our world any more because they SUCK at any form of governing!
The world has gone collectively insane. Ever-intensifying microwave radiation, vaccines, prescription drugs, herbicides, pesticides, GMO foods, media indoctrination, geoengineered climate warfare, toxic chemtrail aerosols, totalitarian lockdowns, pollution, technological tyranny, and corporate rule are among the unnatural factors that have destroyed the human mind.