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The history of the world is the history of money
By David Ward
Oct 14.23
It is equally, and more obviously, the history of economic systems.
Capitalism and Communism; market economies and planned economies; traditional economies and mixed economies, and all the schools of economic thought they embody.
'Environments are invisible,' wrote Marshall McLuhan in his The Medium is the Massage. So too are the mechanisms (and machinations) of administration; hidden from view behind the 'masks and silence of the administered society,' as Herbert Marcuse wrote in his One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society.
Postmodernism is the culture of globalism:
‘an economic system that obliterates national and psychological borders, undermines social bonds, and fragments the individual psyche, all in the name of turning active citizens into passive consumers.’
Postmodern culture maintains we have no unique identity, we are merely products of the consumer society. The main product of postmodernism is consumers, and we 'consumers' define our identity through the products we consume; critics of postmodernism assert.
Neoliberalism is the political-economic system for managing these passive consumers
It is a system that appears to work on behalf of consumers, while it continually (and invisibly) undermines every aspect of their existence. Like postmodernism, neoliberalism is a nihilistic ideology; it destroys real value, just as postmodernism destroys meaning.
Neoliberalism holds that every aspect of life should be subject to market forces. The entire world, and everything in the world, is viewed as a commodity, to be bought and sold in this market place. Everything of the earth is a natural resource, and every person on the earth is a human resource.
Maxim of law: A human body is not susceptible of appraisement.
Thatcher, Reagan relationship altered history
As Noam Chomsky famously stated: "Neoliberalism is neither new, nor Liberal." It should not be surprising then that it was Republicans in the U.S. (under Reagan) and Conservative in the UK (under Margaret Thatcher) who introduced neoliberalism to the wider world.
Neoliberalism had already been 'tested' in the fascist 'Southern Cone' of South America, in the early seventies. Three countries with CIA installed fascist military governments (Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile under Augusto Pinochet) would, almost immediately, implement the new economics. These Military governments brought in (or were told to bring in) economic advisers from the University of Chicago – 'Chicago Boys,' as they were known – to rebuild their economies according to neoliberal principals.
Global coup d'état
We could be excused for thinking this was a coup by the Chicago mob, the way anyone who spoke out was quickly 'disappeared' – tortured and / or murdered – but this global coup d'état, from the start, was more likely the work of the international banking cabal, or those behind the international banking cabal. As a study of the CIA's early history, from the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) days, would suggest.
The Chicago Boys and their backers hoped to introduce a new system, world wide, to replace the Keynesian economic model that had dominated since the end of the World War II. It wouldn't matter that this model wasn't successful in Latin America. These countries, for the most part, are still a mess (economically speaking); but all along, failures would be blamed on the ousted governments and their policies.
Should neoliberalism have been tainted by association with the brutal military juntas that first introduced it, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher washed all that away, and brought respectability to this new economic system. Before long, most of the world followed suit, and became neoliberal too. So complete was this coup, that even the left was compelled to get on board, under Bill Clinton in the U.S. and Tony Blair, in the UK.
That the first leaders to adopt neoliberalism were fascist dictators, was a most inconvenient truth (to the proponents of this new economic model). So what better way to distance those whose role it was to 'popularize' the new economics, from those who first implemented it, than to stage a war between these key players? The theatre of life, on the world stage, really is the greatest show on earth.
The greatest show on earth
Remember all wars are staged and funded by citizens. 03:22 mins
Source with thanks https://wdavidward.substack.com/p/neoliberalism
Change of heart
Endless fear has taken its toll since 2020 b/c we allowed it. When our nervous system perceives a threat real and imagined, we cannot stay in that state for long b/c in that state we are dying; our bodies are shutting down. Innate wisdom in our nervous system adapts by disassociating, we zone out. Repetitive threats close people off to new information. Metabolic shutdown is reflected in excess weight and decreased immunity. The brain unable to hold stressful conflict, almost like a short circuit goes into denial and defensiveness, which explains why people ignore and/or reject the truth. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/psychoneuralspiritual-state-of-captivity
What’s the solution?
Each of us is the solution.
First, recognize ‘all’ political parties are on the same team advancing a world coup d'état to enslave man. Once you accept this truth, it will become more apparent as you start to see through their crafty schemes toward a sinister end for natural man.
Each of us can also refrain from denigrating people who do not read and hear what we do. My mind was once closed also. How about you?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Thank you for re-posting (and expanding) my commentary, Doreen; and for all the work you do to share these important subjects with the world. David :-)