Prominent covid vax skeptic's limited hangouts + Telegram scam
Limited hangout is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of clandestine professionals.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Dr. Mike Yeadon discovers limited hangouts
Dr. Yeadon’s reply below was to this comment by Sage:
That moment when you realize:
Go back to the start of CHD and Highwire.
Bigtree around 2015-2016. Did Vaxxed with [Dr. Andrew] Wakefield.
CHD was also getting underway.
Founded by anti-vaccination activist Eric Gladen in 2007, the World Mercury Project was a relatively minor group until Kennedy joined its board in 2015. Its budget jumped to nearly half a million dollars and in 2018, changed its name to Children's Health Defense.
They knew the pandemic was coming (Good Club, Operation Lockstep 2009-2010)
Do you see what happened?
Dr. Mike Yeadon’s reply
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon replied to a comment by Sage Hana above on a Conspiracy Sarah post:
I was interviewed twice for Highwire before I realised they’re limited hangouts. All the leading “freedom fighters” are.
The uncorrupted are censored to a flattering extent.
I doubt they fully understand what is happening. At least, I hope not.
WEF Young Global Leader Pavel Durov
The recently-arrested Pavel Durov, supposedly co-creator (with his brother) of ‘secure’ messaging app Telegram, has been portrayed as a victim of the global war on free speech. That claim rests on the premise that Durov and Telegram were all about freedom of speech. It's a claim that looks increasingly doubtful the deeper you look into Durov and his so-called 'encrypted' messaging app.
Telegram: Not All It's Cracked Up To Be
Telegram was pimped to us as a secure, encrypted app, the freedom lover's answer to Big Tech surveillance.
Not only did it allow supposedly encrypted messaging, but like-minded folks could form chat groups and swap the kind of information routinely suppressed on mainstream platforms. It became a favourite with protestors, who used the app to organize rallies.
Telegram's popularity skyrocketed during the COVID tyranny.
But it didn't take long for the red flags to appear.
Group chats were saturated with whack-job Q posts, assuring us that Donald Trump was still ruling from behind the scenes and that Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers had been summarily tried and executed at Guantanamo Bay.
No need to do anything, the Q-tards reassured us. Just "Trust the Plan," because the "White Hats" had it all under control.
It's not hard to work out who that pacifist approach would benefit.
White Hats by the way, is a term for 33rd degree Freemasons
WEF's 2017 class of Young Global Puppets
The Europe section of the World Economic Forum’s list of Young Global Leaders included Pavel Durov, the Russian founder of VKontakte, a Russian analogue of Facebook. Durov, who also founded the secure messaging app Telegram and has since emigrated from Russia, was listed as representing Finland.
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An altruistic alternative healthcare empire or intelligence operation?
Every response is a personal choice
We have all been lied to and there is no changing that however when we acknowledge how it makes us feel i.e. disappointed, betrayed, angry and w/out judgment, the frequency of our feelings can transform into a higher expression rather than parking dis-ease in our energy field with potential to become disease.
We are living end times. How this ends and what follows are predicated on our responses during transition. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Well said, Doreen. As an organizer of volunteers, I know exactly how difficult it is to get people off the couch (or away from the keyboard) to do real outreach in our communities. People think they are 'awake' when they see what's going on. To know you are truly free of the programming and conditioning though, there is one simple test: Can you go knocking on doors and talking to your neighbours face to face? A lot of folk would rather die, or be quietly enslaved (it would seem) than to this. Some are simply too afraid of who they might encounter; others are black-pilled (by 'the ideology of futility'); a few are just lazy I guess, and would rather let others do the real work. Real people and real communities are the answer ('trusted real-world relationships'), not technology. Speaking of which. . . I think you should lose the QR code. OCR can read 'our' written language and take you to a site. QR codes are the machine's language (that we can't read); we need the machines now to help us communicate too . I don't trust the machines. It sounds like you don't either, given the story above :-) Thanks for keeping this information coming. David