Severed Conscience: newly recognized condition
It is a myth that man is a pleasure seeker, above all else man seeks to avoid pain.
Rather than fear the truth, engage it, to end the lie of separation and experience wholeness.
What is severed conscience?
By Zee, Kelly, Orange
June 2023
Severed conscience is a state of mind that traps an individual, cutting them off from using their faculties to make moral and ethical decisions. Instead, they remain open to manipulation through progressive and technological means, unable to see what is really going on.
This state of mind is the by product of social media and psychological manipulation.
COVID led to new behavior that affected how we form connections and forge relationships. We sidelined our ancestors who fought for the sanctity of life and liberty, who gave us this gift of freedom and prosperity, over the hypothesis “15 days to slow the spread”.
Severed conscience is like being in a cult
A consistent requirement of ‘Utopian’ procedure is detachment of a subject from ordinary human affairs. Acting with detached intelligence is what ‘Utopians’ are all about.
The state of mental health in society today is weaker than people of past failed dystopias. People who say ‘It can never happen here’, may know history however they do not understand the history of man.
Tragically, the death of millions of people and treating people worse than a cow continue to be done in the name of building better societies. Great harm has resulted from placing the collective good over the value of the individual.
History of manipulation
The History of Manipulation is a comparison to both the World and our Nation [USA], which had to be included to understand that even though it is 2023, we still find that leaders are choosing to use manipulative context, signs, and arrows that all point to what we define as a severing of the Conscience.
Compliance and Fear used as a tool of choice and convenience was applied to move a variety of people, not just based on personal beliefs but as well by age. We see this thru History, which gives way to a silent but private form of consent that engages a slow hypnosis that influences the alternative, verses the reality of what is happening to you and around you.
11:05 mins Social media and the human brain.
As internal and external stressors take their toll on the body, neurotransmitters are always seeking homeostasis. 16:10 mins
Severed Conscience Documentary
Through this series first, we have definitions you will hear us talk about in order to come to an understanding of what we are seeing. This is a sole interpretation of how we view what we see happening and being installed in our daily lives. This is mainly based on open admittance and as a volunteered position and with that information we share is intended not to only support our efforts of discovering the truth behind the curtain but ultimately to help wake people from this slumber.
Our documentary will awaken you to how we have been transformed.
Unity Consciousness
When we acknowledge darkness with curiosity rather than judgment, and recognize the lie of separation is the root cause of all pain and suffering, a new era of wholeness can begin.
Dark is the absence of light.
Judgment is the absence of fuller awareness.
Sorrow is the absence of joy.
Two sides of one consciousness closely related cannot be separated, even though they seem different.
Consciousness Creates Reality
If the concreteness of reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain, the body, and everything we interpret as physical.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
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