The fallacy of scarcity, limited resources and overpopulation
Pseudoscientific beliefs blocking human potential and evolution.
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The curse of Game Theory
Sept 2023
Is the world a ‘Zero Sum’ game or an open system shaped by man’s creativity and cooperation? What truly defines humanity's supposed "limits to growth" and what is a "limited resource"? Is overpopulation a true crisis or is it a myth?
In this second episode in the ongoing series 'Escaping Calypso's Island', Cynthia Chung explores these questions and examines fallacies underlying the popular notion that human civilization can only grow at the expense of nature.
36:32 mins We are taught never to question the rules in these Game Theory scenarios but to react to what has been defined as a limited set of options in an artificial scenario. Thus, we find this concept of limited resources, and Zero Sum game a misleading term since it makes the assumption that growth will occur with no qualitative change. From Malthus to von Neuman to the modern ecology movement, there is a pervasive uncreative claim that our future can be nothing other than a dismal extrapolation of artificial limitations despite evidence throughout human history showing a contrary picture.
Genesis of climate alarmism myth
MIT researchers used the World3 system dynamics model for computer simulation that resulted in climate alarmism to support an unsubstantiated grim vision of environmental and economic collapse.
Meadows and his colleagues rewrote their book but not their computer model. In 1972, they acknowledged the model was “imperfect, oversimplified and unfinished,” and wrote: “We intend to alter, expand, and improve it as our knowledge and the world data base gradually improve.” Yet the model they present today is little changed from the original.
Limits to Growth - 30 year update
Six part series: Journey out of our Green Delusion
Thank you to Matt Ehret, Cynthia Chung and Jason Dahl for this series. Continue at
Evidence abounds that by increasing well-being to the health of nature, productivity of a nation and freedom of the people evolve together in harmony.
At this critical juncture of endless AI propaganda, eroding food security, threats to human health, privacy, freedom and future or our species, please deliver evidence of these fallacies to their guardians, and others. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog