The spirit of evil is a true conjunction of opposites Part I of II Wetiko
Every moment is pregnant with new possibilities.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
Every wisdom tradition has its own way of symbolizing wetiko. Think of it this way: different airlines, one and the same destination.
Wetiko is a mind parasite embedded in the psyche of man; our blindness to it gives wetiko its power. By recognizing this highly contagious mind parasite, by seeing wetiko for what it is and what is has to offer us, this tract of man can break free from its hold, experience the vast creative powers of the human mind and optimize human potential.
Human bio-computer malware
Just as viruses or malware infect a computer and program it to self-destruct, wetiko, an evil spirit, programs the human biocomputer to think and behave in self-destructive ways. Covertly operating through unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, wetiko renders people oblivious to their own madness, compelling them to act against their own best interests. People under its thrall can, like someone in the throes of an addiction or in a state of trauma, unwittingly create the very problem they are trying to resolve, clinging desperately to the thing that is torturing and destroying them.
People taken over by wetiko suffer from an autoimmune disease of the psyche. In autoimmune deficiency syndrome, the immune system of the organism perversely attacks the very life it is trying to protect. In trying to live, it destroys life, ultimately destroying even itself. In the same way, once wetiko has insinuated itself into a living entity, it acts like a perverted antibody, treating the wholesome parts of the system as cancerous tumors to be exterminated.
Masters of deception
People are particularly susceptible to the spell of today's masters of deception when they are out of touch with the living and self-authenticating reality of their own experience. Not sufficiently knowing the nature of their own minds, they are overly susceptible to taking on others' perspectives, falling prey to the prevailing groupthink of the herd and the wetiko parasite. When we are taken over by more powerful psychic forces, we don't know we are possessed by something other than ourselves, which is precisely the way the wetiko bug wants it.
Our divine gift of creative imagination
Wetiko can also subliminally insinuate thought-forms and beliefs into our minds which, when unconsciously enacted, feed the parasite and ultimately kill its host. Wetiko covets the creative imagination that it lacks. As a result, if we don't use the divine gift of our creative imagination in the service of life, wetiko will use our imagination against us, with deadly consequences. The wetiko predator is in competition with us for a share of our own mind, wanting to sit in our seat. Instead of sovereign beings who consciously create with our thoughts, we will be unconsciously created by them, as the wetiko pathogen literally thinks in our place.
Shadow government w/in the psyche
If we are not aware of wetiko's covert operations within us, it is as if an alien, metaphysical "other" has colonized our minds and set up a seemingly autonomous regime, a "shadow government" within the psyche (outwardly reflected by the "shadow government" in the world), so we become oppressed within the domain of our own being.
The wetiko parasite paralyzes the ego into an immobilized, powerless state, in which the life force and energetic potential are vampirically drained away. Zombielike, we are pushed around like figures on a chessboard, played and manipulated like marionettes on a string. We are held in check by these impersonal, intangible forces, which, unbeknownst to us, are gaming us from a hidden position within our own unillumined psyches. As compared to existing "by virtue" of something, the wetiko bug can only exist by the "lack of virtue" of our own obscured and unexamined minds.
As this rogue, split-off part incorporates itself within the psyche, it "dictates" to the ego, tricking it into believing it is directing itself. We are allowed our seeming freedom and the ability to live our "normal" lives, as long as these do not challenge or threaten the deeper agenda of these sinister forces to centralize power and control. This internal process is manifesting externally in the creeping tendency towards fascism in the global body politic.
Wetiko symbolism
The Gnostics ("the ones who know") call this subversive parasite of the mind the "archons." Every wisdom tradition has its own way of symbolizing wetiko; indeed illuminating wetiko is what makes a wisdom tradition worthy of the name. Such traditions include Buddhism, Kabbalah, Hawaiian huna, mystical Islam, shamanism, and alchemy. It is helpful to find other lineages and traditions that illumine the wetiko disease in their own fashion. In this way our multi-perspectival vision can enable us to see what no one particular map or model by itself can reveal.
Wetiko psychosis is highly contagious, spreading through the channel of our shared unconsciousness. But its vectors of infection do not travel like physical pathogens. This bug both reinforces and feeds off our unconscious blind spots, which is how it nonlocally propagates itself. The greatest danger that threatens humanity today is the possibility that millions of us can fall into the unconscious together, reinforcing one another's madness in such a way that we become unwittingly complicit in our own self-destruction.
Tricked out of our mind
The most horrifying part of falling under the wetiko parasite is that it ultimately involves the assent of our own free will, as we willingly, though unknowingly, subscribe to our enslaved condition. This is to say that no one other than ourselves is ultimately responsible for our situation. Though "relatively" real, and definitely needing to be dealt with at this level, from the ultimate, absolute point of view, the wetiko parasite has no objective existence separate from our own minds. There is no entity outside ourselves who can steal our souls; the dreamed-up phenomenon of wetiko, which arises entirely within the sphere of the mind, tricks us into giving it away ourselves.
Untapped creativity of our birthright
With wetiko disease, we are not being infected by a physical, objectively existing parasite outside of ourselves, which is why there is in reality nothing outside of ourselves to be afraid of. The origin of the wetiko psychosis lies entirely within the human psyche. The fact that wetiko is the expression of something inside of us means that the cure for it is likewise within us as well. Though not objectively existing, the wetiko pathogen has a virtual reality such that it can potentially destroy our species. The fact that something that only exists as a function of ourselves can destroy us points us to the incredibly vast, invisible, yet mostly untapped creative power that is our birthright.
Paul Levy is a wounded healer in private practice, assisting others awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality.
Part II Healing the mind virus
Every moment is pregnant with potential
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
wetiko IofII