The spirit of evil is a true conjunction of opposites Part II of II Healing Wetiko
You may not be able to escape your mind however you can control it.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
See Wetiko Part I
Wetiko is non-local
Wetiko is nonlocal in that it is an inner disease of the soul that expresses itself on the canvas of the outside world. Thus it is not constrained by the spurious subject/object dichotomy or the conventional laws of three-dimensional space and time. In fact one of wetiko's unique ploys is to take advantage of the fact that there is no actual boundary between the inner and the outer. Wetiko nonlocally informs and configures events in the world so as to synchronistically express itself, which is to say that just like in a dream, events in the outer world are symbolically reflecting a condition deep within the psyche of each of us. If we don't understand that our current world crisis has its roots within and is an expression of the human psyche, we are doomed to unconsciously repeat and recreate endless suffering and destruction in more and more amplified form, as if we are having a recurring nightmare.
To the extent we are unaware of this parasite of the mind, we are complicit in its propagation. Since it pervades the underlying field of consciousness, potentially all of us have wetiko. Every one of us subjectively experiences the wetiko parasite in his or her own unique way, regardless of what concepts or words we use to describe the experience, or whether we believe in such things or not. If we see someone who seems to be taken over by wetiko leading us to think they have the disease and we don't, we have fallen under the spell of the parasite, because wetiko feeds on separation, polarization, and the fear of the other.
We start to become immune to wetiko when we develop the humility to realize that any one of us, at any moment, can potentially fall into our unconscious and unwittingly become an instrument for this parasite to act itself out through us. Like a vampire, wetiko can't stand to be illumined, for in seeing how it covertly operates through our own consciousness, we take away its seeming autonomy and power over us while at the same time empowering ourselves.
The cure for wetiko
The wetiko psychosis is a dreamed-up phenomenon i.e. we are all potentially participating in and actively cocreating the wetiko epidemic in each and every moment. Wetiko feeds on our policy of turning a blind eye to its operations; the less the wetiko parasite is recognized, the more seemingly powerful and dangerous it becomes. Since the origin of wetiko is the human psyche, recognizing how this parasite of the mind operates through our unawareness is the beginning of the cure. We normally think of illumination as seeing the light, but seeing the darkness is a form of illumination too. Wetiko is forcing us to pay attention to the fundamental role that the psyche plays in creating our experience of ourselves and of the world. Our shared future will be decided primarily by the changes that take place in the psyche of humanity, which is truly the world's pivot.
Compassion heals
Wetiko can only be seen when we begin to realize the dreamlike nature of our universe, step out of the viewpoint of the separate self, and recognize the deeper underlying field of which we are all expressions, in which we are all contained, and through which we are all interconnected. The energetic expression of this realization, and the dissolver of wetiko par excellence, is compassion.
Higher intelligence
Similarly, the greatest protection against becoming affected or possessed by wetiko is to be in touch with our intrinsic wholeness, which is to be "self-possessed"—in possession of the part of ourselves that is not possessable, which is the Self, the wholeness of our being. Being in touch with our true nature acts as a sacred amulet or talisman, shielding and protecting us from wetiko's pernicious effects.
We defeat evil not by fighting against it (by playing its game we've already lost) but by getting in touch with the part of us that is invulnerable to its effects.
Grasping the multifaceted ways the wetiko parasite distorts the psyche enables us to discover and experience the part of ourselves that is incorruptible, which is the place from which we can bring real and lasting change to our world.
It is as though the evil of the wetiko pathogen is itself the instrument of a higher intelligence designed to connect us to a sacred, creative source within ourselves. Testers of humanity, these nonlocal vampiric forces are guardians of the threshold of our conscious evolution.
The ultimate catalytic force of evolution
Thus, although it is the source of humanity's inhumanity to itself, wetiko is at the same time the greatest catalytic force of evolution ever known (as well as not known) to humanity, as it is the impetus for us to awaken to the dreamlike nature of the universe. While a typical pathogen mutates so as to become resistant to our attempts to heal from it, the mercurial wetiko pathogen forces us to mutate—and evolve—relative to it. In a paradoxical sense, we don't cure wetiko; wetiko cures us.
How amazing—the very thing potentially destroying us is at the same time waking us up! Wetiko is a true conjunction of opposites: it is at the same time the deadliest poison and most healing medicine. Will wetiko kill us? Or will it awaken us? Everything depends upon our recognizing what it is revealing to us. The prognosis for the wetiko epidemic depends upon how we dream it.
Healing the mind parasite that plagues us
08:29 mins PL: Every spiritual tradition talks about the real light is to be found within the darkness; if wetiko didn't exist we would have to invent it. It's incredibly important b/c it's actually catalyzing the evolution of our species. Wetiko is like a revelation, it's a living revelation, it's teaching us something we desperately need to know but if we don't actually have the recognition of what it's showing us then it's programmed to kill us. I don't want to create fear in people about a mind parasite we need to be afraid of, no, because wetiko feeds off fear.
It only has power over us to the extent we have blindness to it; then it has us b/c it operates through our blind spots and we unwittingly become an instrument to act it out in our lives. Once you see it, you take away its power over you and you yourself become empowered.
The thing about wetiko is that the source of it and the solution are within us; within the human psyche.
Please contemplate the possibilities and share. TY!
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
wetiko IIofII