USA Constitution Suspended, War Time Procedures in Place
Help end psychological manipulation of humans by disclosing the closest truth.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
The war on man
By Sasha Latypova
Dec 23.24
Debbie Lerman is the journalist who originally discovered the “covid pandemic” was operated by the military-intelligence apparatus (waging war), and had nothing to do with public health. Since that discovery, military state actors got spooked and have re-written their own documents to pretend that public health was always a national security matter. It has never been. Don’t fall for their CYA tactics.
USA National Security Council was in charge of Covid Policy
By Debbie Lerman
Nov 03.22
An astonishing government document dated March 13, 2020 entitled: “PanCAP Adapted U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan” (PanCAP-A) (embedded at the end of this piece) reveals United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols (Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act, PPD-44, BIA), but rather by the National Security Council, or NSC.
This is the pandemic response org chart, from p. 9 of PanCAP-A, showing the NSC solely responsible for Covid policy:
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Military operation camouflaged covid-19 as public health response
Sasha Latypova joins the program to share her extensive research into the DODs involvement with COVID. How the country was literally transformed due to procedures and laws enacted to militarily manage the entire operation. She shares new findings and details about her report she gave to both RFK Jr and Senator Ron Johnson in Dec 2022, yet nothing changed.
Nothing improves w/out rebuttal by thousands of informed humans, which is why censorship prevails and humans are psychologically manipulated moment to moment through mainstream as well as some alternative media.
CIA Central Casting: The Means Episode
By Debbie Lerman
Jan 15.25
Casey and Calley Means are a brother-sister duo who emerged from obscurity into the national spotlight almost overnight, with an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s podcast in August 2024 that, according to Apple, was the “Most Shared Podcast Episode” of the year. In early October 2024, STAT reported “the pair have gone from relative unknowns to emergent conservative rabble-rousers – now buzzing in the same orbit as Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and even former President Donald Trump.” A month later, in November, right after the election, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Means siblings were “poised to shape Trump’s health agenda” and that Casey Means was being considered for the position of surgeon general.
Casey Means, Senator Ron Johnson, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Calley Means Photo from 12/6/24 article in The Cut
How did these two unknowns rise so high so fast in the American political firmament, as shining stars of the MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) organization, with positions of influence over the agendas of former presidential candidate RFK Jr. and President Elect Donald Trump? The answer that will emerge from this article is not good news for anyone interested in the agenda of medical freedom.
We don’t know what we don’t know until more humans share the closest truth to disclose the bigger picture. Everything is interconnected requiring greater human participation to help connect more of the dots.
Cashless society
The whole world has been turned away from real money and fooled into using currency — a deceitful imposter silently stealing our two most valuable assets: our time and our freedom. Eventually all fiat currency returns to its intrinsic value of zero, which is likely approaching b/c of hidden agendas and forever debt … hence digital appears to be the next generation of currency and centralized control. Without cash humans are slaves prohibited by international law, which is silenced along with all other laws under martial rule.
Manufactured consent
Consenting to something without ever realizing you consented.
Laws and customs of war
Under martial rule laws are silent hence no law enforcement to defend and/or protect people of good conscience.
Help break the silence
The more people who know the truth the greater the potential to cooperate and rebut loss of bodily autonomy [mandated jabs], starvation, debt slavery, transformation of natural man into a hybrid of flesh and technology, forever toxins; the list is long.
British farmer: "We've been offered £2500 [by the UK government] to join a scheme for three years, where we don't supply you any food."
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
British farmer: "We've been offered £2500 [by the UK government] to join a scheme for three years, where we don't supply you any food."
Great reporting! If only so many didn’t insist upon wearing blinders