WEF's Nicole Schwab admits covid tyranny was a precursor to coming climate lockdowns
Unless the majority of people say no, it’s yes.
Tyrannical urgency of a global green transition
July 2021
Nicole Schwab, daughter of WEF founder, Klaus Schwab: "Covid" has demonstrated that rapid and extreme changes to the fabric of society can be implemented when people perceive an immediate sense of emergency—a mechanism that can be applied to the "climate crisis" in order to accelerate the WEF's 'Great Reset' agenda.
COVID-19 can be seen as an opportunity to accelerate the Green Transition we desperately need. 02:10 mins
Sprayin’ the sky omitted from climatism equation
July 2023
Thanks James.
Global warming the greatest fraud perpetrated this century
May 2021
Dan Peña, the 50 Billion Dollar Man, dedicated his life to helping other people. He swears a lot, cares not about being politically correct and quotes indisputable scientific evidence of climate fraud.
Transcript minus expletives
In 2011, my wife and I were in Antarctica renewing our vows. Antarctica is on a mountain top where there is a $500 million scientific facility. Scientists made presentations about global warming. They had cores of ice. They had drilled four or five thousand cores and brought fifteen or twenty. While going through the second or third core they said that 275,000 years ago this was the temperature, and 55 000 years ago the world was two degrees warmer Celsius than today. This is in 2011 so I asked, “You mean the whole world?” and he said “Yes, the polls are only benchmarks.” I asked about rising sea levels and he said “It’s all cyclical, and although the gas may have exacerbated it, in the cosmos of time it's not a fart in the wind.” He then said “In 25,000 years, it’s most likely not going to be a problem.”
Imagine! In the cosmos of time, of the billion years we've been on this planet, it’s not a fart in the wind.
Now, my direct answer to your question [lady in the audience asked about rising oceans] if that were really true, and let’s for a moment say it is true. The best scenario vis-a-vis global warming is that it causes a 10 foot rise in water over the next 40 50 years. The worst scenario is a 100 foot rise. Let’s take the 10 feet. If the water on the planet is going to rise 10 feet that means the southern part of the United States is gone, England and most of Europe are gone, most of Central America is gone. Okay? If that’s the case, let’s take Florida for example, which is one of the fastest growing condominium beachfronts on the planet. In that prospectus when you invest, there sh/be in the footnotes, if global warming is for real, they won't put it that way, if global warming happens and water rises 10 feet this investment you made is [ ]
Not one single investment prospectus written this century alluded to global warming, not one! If it were true the banks wouldn't invest, the banks wouldn't finance, not one condominium.
So the people that have money, and I’m jealous of VP Gore who came up with the scam before I did, b/c the financial institutions, the banks of this world KNOW it's not going to happen, in London. Otherwise you couldn't get a damn loan. You know those 30 40-year mortgages, the world will be over by then. Is Barclays bank going to give you a [ ] loan? For the greatest respect ma'am, it's the greatest fraud that's been perpetrated on mankind this century. 05:45 mins
Time to fact check corporate media’s hysteria over ‘hottest day ever’
By Tyler Durden
Aug 11.23
Corporate media unleashed a barrage of headlines of climate doom, including "Era of global boiling has arrived" and "hottest month in the history of civilization" and "hottest day ever recorded." These headlines were published in July, the typical peak of the Northern Hemisphere summer. Some of these wild claims were based on records from four decades ago, even though Earth has been around for billions of years.
Perhaps ‘global boiling’ is a clue regarding global tyranny? 02:03 mins
Records grab attention, and clearly, the climate alarmists in corporate media were pushing a 'climate change' agenda in a month with the warmest temperatures of the year: geniuses. As for the warmest ever, well, even the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had questions about the climate math (Read: Even NOAA "Runs Away" From 'Hottest Day Ever' Claim After Media Hysteria).
July was hot, because of the peak Northern Hemisphere summer. The El Nino weather phenomenon may have contributed to some extra warmth. In terms of temperatures deviating excessively from a 30-year average, well, there's not much of that, according to Bloomberg data.
Big issues: Club of Rome in Canada and model-based science of climate change
Elected Canada’s prime minister in 1968, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, father of Justin, was the critical hinge upon which the Club of Rome’s fortunes swung in Canada in 1971.
The computer model proposed known as World3, incorporated the work of MIT global modelling pioneer Jay Forrester. It turned out to be perfectly suited to their prime objective: frighten the hell out of people and policy-makers based on predetermined assumptions that catastrophe loomed unless the “Predicament of Mankind” was solved. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/wizards-of-climate-myth
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