A top 10 IQ man defines God, Consciousness, Satan: Matrix Part III of III
The intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.
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One of top 10 highest IQs in the world
Thank you, Judy for the video.
Oct 19.24
Host Michael Knowles interviews Christopher Langan who has an IQ between 195 and 210. The average person's IQ is 100. Albert Einstein's IQ was 160.
Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe is Christopher Langan’s theory of everything. Excerpts not verbatim.
What is IQ?
CL 15:46 mins: IQ is not the last word in intelligence. IQ is where you focus all your intellectual energy tightly on one item and nothing else. That’s what IQ is. In addition to depth and focus there is also aperture. Think of the mind as a kind of camera. You've got to be flexible, you've got to be able to widen and narrow that aperture at will while doing depth perception too.
Does God exist?
Host: If we're talking about a theory of everything the first question is “Does God exist?”
CL 16:58 mins Yes. Reality has an identity. The identity is that as which something exists. When you say the word reality you're naming an identity. You’re identifying something like the room we are in.
Host: Your answer reminds me of Moses at the burning bush when he asks “Who shall I tell the people you are?” and God says “Tell them I Am that I AM.” I Am identity itself.
CL: That's what the CTMU says. It comes up with the mathematical structure you need to build a reality out of. You come up with that identity and then search it for its properties. Once you've built the preliminary framework then you start deducing the properties of this identity and you find those properties match those of God as described in most of the world's major religions.
Everybody has sunyata, which is pure syntax, pure cognition with no instantiation, no content and you've got what Abrahamic religions call God. It's all the same thing but what are its properties? Are its properties such that you can deny the existence of God or are its properties such that God definitely has to exist? The answer is God exists. The properties of the central substance and central principle of reality, those properties are attributed to God including the three Os: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresence and you've also got consciousness. God has to be sentient.
Relationship with God
CL: You can establish a personal relationship with God. We are images of God. An image is basically the product of a mapping. God maps himself into each human being. That's a very personal thing God is doing. I don't understand how anybody can say it's any different. We reflect the structure of the universe. Each one of us, we're carried by it. Everything we do, we exist in a medium. What is that medium? Where did it come from? What holds it together? What is the unifying coherence, the source of coherence of that medium?
Host: Is your claim a pantheistic claim that God is the universe or the universe is God and that's that, or is God outside the universe?
Simulation hypothesis
CL 21:24 mins: What is the universe? Ever hear of simulation hypothesis? It’s the idea that the reality we see around us, physical reality is simulated on some sort of an automaton or computer.
Host: Some aliens somewhere have fooled us?
CL: Yes, exactly. The idea is that you've got some kind of automaton running, you’ve got a simulation running on it, and God is more panentheistic. Do you know what panentheism is?
HOST: I think it means we are in God and God is in us, and it’s not merely that God and the creation are one and the same but they are quite related. Does that approach panentheism?
CL: A little bit. The idea is that you’ve got the physical universe you see around you, yet God is not confined to the physical universe. An ordinary pantheist assumes God is somehow confined to the universe, there is only what we see around us, and God is in every piece of it. God is distributed over it.
Yes, but it’s more complex than that b/c this part of the universe we see around us cannot exist by itself. There are certain things it entails and when you go into those entailments that's how you get to God. That's how you get to the identity of reality, and now to get back to the reality self-simulation. I call it self-simulation. But to get back to the simulation hypothesis, we're living in the display of that simulation. In addition to the display there is also a processing aspect and God captures both of those things; both the display and the processor.
Host: What do you mean?
CL: Here's the display [the room they are in]. You realize the display contains states. You see objects and things. States are static that's why they're called states. Static [Chris touches a small table]. How do they change? They have to be processed. In calculus for example those are tiny little infinitesimal intervals but they are not actually contained in the states themselves. They have a neighborhood, a little tangent space where you can sort of draw little vectors that suggest some kind of processing is going on but the idea of being a state and being a process those are two different things, in the ordinary way of looking at it. It turns out you can't properly describe reality and causation at all unless you put those things together somehow and that's what it takes God to do.
God provides the processing functionality for your state. You have an internal state, and an external state, you’re a material human being. To explain how that is changing through time and maintaining its coherence through time, even as it changes, that’s what you need God for.
Host: How do I make sense of consciousness?
CL at 25:42 mins: Do you know what quantization is? It’s when you decide what the ultimate irreducible objects are, the quanta. It turns out that in order to quantize that theory of identity where you've got the display and you've got the processor and it's handling both. It turns out that in order to handle both of those things you need a certain kind of quantum. That quantum is called an identity operator. God is the identity, so obviously these little quanta they're doing things, they're processing. They are identity operators. The identity operator basically takes input from the outside world, recognizes it or accepts it using syntax, processes it and returns it to the world as external state. So things come in, they're processed, there's throughput, which you could call the subjective or internal state of the identity operator and it's returned to the external universe. I'm saying that’s consciousness. Consciousness exists in every part of the universe because those are the quanta.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states the quantum rules are probabilistic, they don't actually determine events. So what determines events? We do. We don't know how we do it, but we do it. When everybody's will is put together we're all creating the best possible universe we can for ourselves, and God is what harmonizes all of our different perspectives and makes things happen for all of us at the same time. And if we were doing things correctly this would be the best of all possible worlds. Sadly however we often make mistakes and that's what we have to get out of doing but we can't get out of doing it until we understand what reality is, what we are, and what the relationship between those two things is.
Free Will Fixed v. Self-generating array
Host 28:18 mins: You mentioned this idea of simulation, the simulation, self-simulation and you mentioned us doing things. So, it would seem to me we have to tackle the question do we really do much of anything at all in the sense, do we have free will?
CL: Yes, we do. We have to have free will. [Chris gets technical].
Freewill is self determined
02:42 mins
Psychology of sin; the devil, current situation
There are striking parallels between the simulacrum, the Matrix movie narrative and the current war on man in our society.
Host 48:00 mins Sin is a big problem b/c it's evil, it’s incoherent and doesn’t make sense.
CL: The sense it makes to sinners is they enjoy it. We all have the same pleasure mechanisms. We're all tempted to commit sin but we've got to keep a lid on it. There has to be limits and what I'm worried about is that now Satan controls the world and there are certain people running things who don't have those limits. They're so rich, they're so powerful they’ve more or less thrown them off.
Host: Is there something particular about the moment we’re living that says it's actually gotten much worse?
CL: Yes, we've had so many technological advancements that now the technology of surveillance and coercion are such, and these people are so rich they're like black holes gravitating all the money to themselves they're unstoppable, and b/c they are unstoppable, b/c they actually run everything, we are endangered by them now.
Over 8.5 million views. 1 hr 58:43 mins
Extended consciousness reveals we are multidimensional beings
Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
The ability to transform physical reality through a personal relationship with the Highest Authority, The Absolute, God is available to everyone.
01:25 mins
Part I
The Crack in the Universe.
Part II
What is the matrix?
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
I think the idea of a god is infantile though I understand what they're trying to get at. There is another "layer" going on in our material world but it is very elusive at the moment. However we will decipher it as more of us think of these things and talk about them. The god that people talk about is most likely frequency. Tesla spoke about that and said that's the most important thing, although those minds can only give us clues as they don't know either. Nobody knows. We are all "in the dark" actually but we have interpretations and share them and eventually we will get closer to what this phenomenon actually is. I call it nature.