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What is Hegelian dialectics?
It is not an innocent process. It is used by “change agents” and “facilitators of transformation.” Hegelian dialectics is “the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution”.
If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision.
Hegel's dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action. Every time we fight for or defend against an ideology we are playing a necessary role in Marx and Engels' grand design to advance humanity into a dictatorship of the proletariat.
The synthetic Hegelian solution to all conflicts can't be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda.
The Marxist's global agenda is moving along at breakneck speed. The only way to completely stop the privacy invasions, expanding domestic police powers, land grabs, insane wars against inanimate objects (and transient verbs), covert actions, and outright assaults on individual liberty, is to step outside the dialectic. This releases us from limitations of controlled and guided thought.
Hegelian conflicts steer ‘every’ political arena on the planet
When we understand what motivated Hegel, we can see his influence on all of our destinies. ... Hegelian conflicts steer every political arena on the planet, from the United Nations to major American political parties, all the way down to local school boards and community councils. Dialogues and consensus-building are primary tools of the dialectic, and terror and intimidation are also acceptable formats for obtaining the goal. The ultimate Third Way agenda is world government. Once we get what's really going on, we can cut the strings and move our lives in original directions outside the confines of the dialectical madness. Focusing on Hegel's and Engel's ultimate agenda, and avoiding getting caught up in their impenetrable theories of social evolution, gives us the opportunity to think and act our way toward freedom, justice, and genuine liberty for all.
The most successful con job in the history of man
Today the dialectic is active in every political issue that encourages taking sides. We see it in environmentalists instigating conflicts against private property owners, in democrats against republicans, in greens against libertarians, in communists against socialists, in neo-cons against traditional conservatives, in community activists against individuals, in pro-choice versus pro-life, in Christians against Muslims, in isolationists versus interventionists, in peace activists against war hawks. No matter what the issue, the invisible dialectic aims to control both the conflict and the resolution of differences, and leads everyone involved into a new cycle of conflicts.
This ideology justifies conflict and endless war
The reason we can call it the justification for modern conflicts and war, with impunity, is because no one can prove Hegel's theory is true. No matter how many new words they make up to define it, or how many new theories they come up with to give it validity, we can prove beyond a doubt that it is all false.
The Hegelian dialectic is the ridiculous idea that constant conflict and continual merging of opposite ideologies, as established by extreme right or left belief systems, will lead spiritual mankind into final perfection. Hegel's brilliance rests in his ability to confuse and obfuscate the true motives of the planners, and millions of people world-wide have been trying to make sense of why it doesn't work for over 150 years. But like the AA definition of insanity, the world keeps trying it over and over expecting different results. ...
Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, “What Is the Hegelian Dialectic?” October 2005, http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/05/dialectic.htm
Know your enemy
The covid and climate hoaxes are Hegelian dialectics in action.
Create the problem [fake pandemic, fake climate crisis], to elicit strong emotional reaction [fear, pit man against man] to optimize acceptance of perpetrator’s solution [toxic jab, restricted use, endless taxes] to advance dark agendas [world coup].
Dr. Denis Rancourt is an accomplished interdisciplinary scientist and physicist, and former tenured Full Professor of physics [the highest rank] and lead scientist originally at the University of Ottawa. ‘There was no pandemic’. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=130&name=2023_06_22_there_was_no_pandemic_essay
Fate and future of man
Apr 17.24 is the last day for public comment to the World Health Organization proposed amendments to International Health Regulations 2005 [IHR] and proposed pandemic treaty. This is where the future and fate of humanity are being scripted at an accelerated rate.
Governments at all levels and unelected bureaucrats ask for public comment on proposed amendments and new legislation to fulfill their mandate … not b/c they intend to listen.
James Roguski recently told John Campbell, which applies to everyone:
This entire thing, the entire premise of these negotiations is predicated on ignoring all of the type of work that you've been doing for the last three or four years. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/who-negotiations-must-be-stopped-304
The new Gold Rush
The new Gold Rush is countries rich and poor trying to find a pathogen with pandemic profit potential to continually enrich dark entities, while instilling fear that blocks human potential to abandon the wheel of pain and suffering and free ourselves from this evil construct that keeps repeating b/c life happens through us.
Immutable and Mutable Laws of the Universe. Universal Law of Cause and Effect #6: "Every Cause has its Effect", "Every Effect has its Cause." In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/universal-law-vs-martial-law
Outer world follows inner world
The majority of real man living souls contributed to the new Gold Rush through devotion to unworthy entities [church, state, corporate, media], fear, ignoring/denying the truth and compliance instead of rebuking evil.
Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate our status to more effectively interact with government and unelected bureaucrats, instead of pleading and being ignored.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog