Twelve steps to protect your identity, assets, sovereignty ... and future
Allegedly, your digital twin is on its way.
I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.
How to ‘opt-out’ of the social credit total enslavement system
By Ryan Rivera
Chinese citizens are monitored and surveilled in real-time with dire consequences. Their social credit score is tied to what services they can access in society, including employment opportunities, bank accounts, the ability to use transportation systems, access to government services and more.
If you perceive something so Orwellian cannot occur where you live think again b/c a world coup is being gradually, deceptively and subtly implemented through psychological manipulation, group mind control and propaganda with and without individual awareness, denial and/or ignoring the truth.
Big Tech companies in collusion with politicians and other alleged authorities, mistakenly trusted by man, have long abused terms of service agreements for their own benefit. This practice reached new heights with ‘consent’ of man through the alleged covid-19 era.
How to protect your identity, assets, and sovereignty
The aim of big tech companies is to create dependence, so whatever tool they offer becomes such an ingrained part of your life you are willing to trade your privacy, health and freedom for it, while big tech owners profit directly from your usage and so much more. Continue at
Artificial intelligence hive mind
Interacting with artificial intelligence strengthens AI ‘hive mind’ through data mining. In other words, use of AI assistants, electronic devices, email, wearable technology, biometrics, social media, blogs, online comments, search engines, chatbots, games, s.m.a.r.t. home devices, travel aps, online purchases, loyalty cards, Netflix, electric cars, etc., allow AI to learn and know humans better than most humans know themselves, to psychologically manipulate humans through media propaganda, limiting results of online searches and ultimately MIMIC humans to our individual and collective detriment.
Artificial intelligence has no reason to share our core values or make decisions that support our interests. Digital AI systems already out-play us, and it can only get worse.
Digital humans
By Ema Lukan
June 13, 2024
Siri, Alexa, and other characters lack a genuine, uniquely human emotional connection b/c 55% of communication is body language, 38% is tonality, and 7% is words. However, a radical transformation in our (online) communication is coming: Digital humans.
They look, act, and think like real humans.
They combine lifelike appearance with the ability to listen and understand meanings.
They not only speak, but also nod, wink, and roll their eyes.
They are about to humanize our virtual interactions and largely impact businesses and society.
Technology already allows us to use digital humans in our communications, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone will have their own digital twin.
Will human twins be programmed to do just about anything, similar to having an alter ego?
Is freewill choice a failed experiment?
The left hemisphere of man’s brain has been repeatedly programmed to focus on negativity and overloaded with information to purposefully deactivate our intuitive, insightful right hemisphere. Psychological manipulation, political, religious, corporate, media, academic, AI propaganda, etc. continually influence the thoughts of most people including many freedom defenders to what ruling entities want them to believe.
Just look at how many people still believe a politician ‘anywhere’ across this planet is authentic after 4 years of tyranny, millions of people dead and injured after covid-19 gene therapy injections, the absence of law enforcement, mass censorship of the truth, mis-use of PCR tests, non-elected bureaucrats [UN, WHO] calling the ‘shots’, no referendum submitted by any politician to end crimes against humanity, and overwhelming evidence that all politicians are on the same globalist team.
Every moment is pregnant with possibilities
It appears vital to recognize that if we continue to engage with our three-dimensional reality under the assumption of its absolute truth, we inadvertently reinforce its existence.
This knowledge is not merely an intellectual concept but a gateway to unlocking a deeper understanding of our existence and boundless potential that resides within each of us.
The Gateway Experience | objective science
This declassified document titled 'Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process', demonstrates there is clearly a larger reality beyond our perceived physical reality.
Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen Agostino
Our Greater Destiny Blog
Six Signs America Has Been Taken Over By Psychopaths.
Sadly, millions of Americans will vote for these psychopaths while world citizens, themselves slaves, cheer them on. A CITIZEN is subject to duties under government, which means they are not free.
This is so very well said, great post! "Is freewill choice a failed experiment?
The left hemisphere of man’s brain has been repeatedly programmed to focus on negativity and overloaded with information to purposefully deactivate our intuitive, insightful right hemisphere. Psychological manipulation, political, religious, corporate, media, academic, AI propaganda, etc. continually influence the thoughts of most people including many freedom defenders to what ruling entities want them to believe.
Just look at how many people still believe a politician ‘anywhere’ across this planet is authentic after 4 years of tyranny, millions of people dead and injured after covid-19 gene therapy injections, the absence of law enforcement, mass censorship of the truth, mis-use of PCR tests, non-elected bureaucrats [UN, WHO] calling the ‘shots’, no referendum submitted by any politician to end crimes against humanity, and overwhelming evidence that all politicians are on the same globalist team."