To transform fear, apathy and silence into meaningful action to influence a worthwhile world requires each of us to take responsibility for our awareness of betrayal, fraud and collusion by church, state, corporate, media, etc.
Despite a blackout by American media
By Derick Broze
July 15.23
The June 22-23.23 Summit for a New Global Financing Pact brought more than 50 world leaders to Paris, which is sure to have far reaching consequences for the world; the latest effort to reset the international financial system as part of the continued push towards 2030 Agenda and “net-zero” goals.
The UN, WEF, and other globalist NGOs, non-profits, and politicians, pay lip service to diversity, sustainability, and being inclusive b/c their actions show they do not respect diversity of thought, do not desire actual regenerative practices, and do not care about being inclusive of all people or thoughts.
Instead, they envision a world where nature is placed above the needs of man, and civil liberties, freedom of movement, and freedom of speech are curtailed in the name of some fantastical vision of saving the planet. These globalist organizations often fool well-intentioned people into collaborating with them in an attempt to give an air of legitimacy to their anti-liberty actions.
Saving the planet is about ultimate control
Wildfires as a weapon.
Net Zero as a weapon. Net Zero means achieving zero CO2 emissions by closing farms, killing animals, cutting regular food, and protecting the planet from the sun. 06:24 mins
EU wants governments to commit to more renewables and give up fossil fuels for good
Suggest you research the dark and toxic side of wind and solar power [dirty electricity].
CO2 Is Essential For All Life On Earth
Nov 2018
Push back against the ignorance of some so-called scientists who would deprive not only the plant world but also the animal kingdom and mankind itself of the oxygen of life.
Weather as a weapon
March 2021
The most complete documentary regarding climate engineering operations.
Health as a weapon
July 15, 2023
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Toxic food, beverages, air, water, technology, drugs, packaging, etc. make it vital to optimize natural and safe care of our inner environment.
“If you sit still on this one, you will regret it.” Shawn Buckley
Please help spread the word to keep people of all ages healthy, out of medical centers, hospitals, and the elderly out of long term care homes.
Hostile takeover of the apparatus of government in Canada, USA, Mexico in 2005
Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:56 pm (PST)
From: Connie Fogal
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)
Connie Fogal, former President of the Canadian Action Party, says SPP is "hostile takeover" of the apparatus of government and an end to the "rule of law".
The SPP is a treasonous metamorphosis of our federal and provincial government bureaucracies into formal instruments to implement the agenda of the shadow government.
SPP and North American ID card
Partial excerpt from May 2005
The Independent Task Force on the Future of North America recommended initiatives to develop a North American Border Pass [ID card] with biometric identifiers, harmonize areas of energy, education, military, foreign policy, immigration, health, expand “temporary” migrant worker programs, and adopt a common external tariff.
End hostile takeover of the apparatus of governments world wide 2023
Man was gifted dominion over creation by the Highest Authority, hence man is responsible only to the Highest Authority. Our unalienable rights as Heirs of the Highest Authority and only Power, call all peoples world wide to unite and defend our distinctive nations. Rather than call for debate or discussion we must demand personal and national sovereignty and independence. We must make meaningful sound and sight so uninformed peoples become informed, aware, cooperate and contribute to beneficial change and freedom.
Speak up against the weaponization of life.
Hold tyrants accountable. To begin, withdraw support and funding of politicians. Ensure no error on your part before entering a polling booth.
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Without prejudice and without recourse
Doreen A Agostino
Archive - Our Greater Destiny Blog
Hello Jonas. I agree. Thankfully, more people are piercing the veil of illusion, cooperating and taking a stand against the 'big' lies.
Yes, and well stated. Thank you!